Chapter Thirteen

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Knowing Logan just has few months to live, Zoey was devastated, ever since that conversation they had, Logan had seemed to be ignoring her.

She had tried being on her best behavior but Logan still kept quiet, Zoey was about to die of his slience.

"Are you hungry?" Zoey asked Logan, when she entered his room, he was busy reading a book.

"No, I thought you don't like people tasting your food." Logan said, not giving her a glance.

"I was stupid then." Zoey said, sitting on his bed.

"Can you please stop being nice?"

"Why? But I'm nice to everyone."

"No, you are not.. you are rude, very rude for a girl like you."

"Sometimes, I still wonder how you turned to be so stubborn." Zoey said, as she prayed sliently, hoping Logan won't stop the conversation, after a long time."

"Not because I saved you from bullies, doesn't mean I can't be your bully." Logan said, closing the book, dropping it on the cabinet,as he looked at Zoey.

"Well, that's pretty bad."

"That's your problem not mine."

"Does Henry has a girlfriend?" Zoey asked, making Logan rise his eye brow in a questioning look, "No, that's not what I mean.. I mean I'm married and I have a friend, a good friend that likes him and I want to know his status."

"Why can't your good friend ask him by himself?"

"No, it's a her." Zoey said, making Logan continue with his suspicious look, "Stop with the look."

"But Henry is a gay." Logan dropped the bombshell as Zoey choked on her saliva.

"What?Are you also gay?"

"Do I look like one? Dummy." Logan said.

"No wonder, you guys are always together."

"Are you dumb? I'm not a gay, stupid."

"Oh," Zoey exclaimed, "Yeah, you have lots of mistresses."

"No, I don't." Logan defended.

"But the other night, you were so proud to say it."

"Shut up, I'm faithful." Logan confessed.

"To who?"

Logan was shocked by the question, he wanted his answer to be Chrissy but how can he say Chrissy in front of Zoey.

"I don't know." Logan lied.

"That's a lie, have I told you that anytime you lie your ear shakes?"

"That's a lie, if I'm a perfectionist in everything, so I should be a perfectionist in lying." Logan held his ears.

"That means you are lying." Zoey grinned.

"Shut up, Gosh.. I don't like you one bit."

"Ouch, but I would be the mother of your child."

"I reject that." Logan assured himself.

"I didn't know you were full in spirit." Zoey laughed, enjoying the new conversation, the new feeling.

Even if Logan hated her, she would always like him.

"I can be full in spirit for someone like you."

"Hot, so you are flirting now." Zoey teased him and Logan doesn't seem to be enjoying the conversation as Zoey.

"Shut up, you are such a dummy, I didn't mean it that way."

"So what do you mean my dear husband?" Zoey continued to tease him.

"I thought I hated Christ but today, I'm recommending Christ to you. You are the devil's incarnate, people has been talking about." Logan said as he laughed at his words.

"I know Christ, dummy. I just don't go to church."

"Why? Because you think they would complain about everything you do."

"Yes, I'm scared they won't accept me for who I am."

"If they don't accept you at least God would."

"Gosh, what do you wish to become? A pastor?" Zoey laughed.

"A writer."

"Do you have a book or you are writing one?"

"Why should I strive to write a book when I have–"

"Zip it.. it doesn't matter, Logan, you can be anything even if somethings are going wrong."

"I have tried to help myself but nothing seems to be working, Zoey."

"You just have to keep trying, we all have multiple choices."

"Zoey, I have a terminally illness, terminally illness, are you guys even concentrating on what's going on? I would die, no matter what."

"We could go to church, I would go to church with you, maybe something good could happen." Zoey assured herself, if going to church would make Logan live again, she would do it, if having more faith in this God, she would do it.

"What do I get from loving this God?" Logan said, making Zoey widened her eyes in shock, "Haven't I tried? If he loved me, he would have saved me from having this illness, is he even up there?" Logan yelled, as tears dropped down, "I remembered when I cried for eight hours, eight good hours for God to save my dying grandma, I told him that even if he wants her away, he should at least make me see her, Zoey, I folded my hands tight, I closed my eyes tightly, praying to God from the bottom of my heart, I did all the rules, he had always told us, Zoey, just one thing that I ask, I was just seven when I asked him to let me see my grandma but he didn't listen." Logan cried heavily.

"Logan," Zoey said slowly.

"I thought he answered children's prayers than adults but he didn't–" Logan stopped, as he continued crying.

"I'm sorry, it hurts," Zoey said softly, as she hugged him, she also felt the urge to cry but she couldn't, "I'm so sorry, Logan."

"I got nothing for loving him, I got nothing, Zoey." Logan said, crying on Zoey's shoulder, "I had everything, Zoey, so I didn't ask for anything from him, except making me see my grandma and he didn't answer me."

"He loves you Logan, he loves us."

"I don't care about him anymore, maybe when I get to heaven, I would ask him." Logan said.

"We are going to be alright, we are all going to be fine, Logan.. it's just a matter of time."

"He should be happy that I'm terminally ill."

"He's not, Logan.. he's not happy, he loves you and he's always with you."

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