Last part!

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Here it is! Oh my god, it has taken a long time, but the last part of this story is here!

It really is just a small chapter, not a real epilogue, just a little bit about the three boys. There is a little smut in this chapter!

I hope you liked this story!



As you could expect, not everything was automatically okay after the Nogitsune had left Stiles. It was clear to the whole pack that Derek, Harry, and Stiles needed time to process everything.

Thanks to Andromeda, they had found a good mind healer in America to talk to, who knew about the wizarding world and supernatural world. Everyone in the pack who thought they would benefit from talking to someone went to her.

Stiles at first refused, still hating talking to a professional, having flashbacks from how it went after his mom had died, but Derek and Harry supported him. Telling him he shouldn't brush off lightly what he had been through.

They still slept together in one bed, but Derek still held off anything sexual, claiming that they (he) were not ready. Thankfully Stiles and Harry understood and respected his hesitation, especially because the Darach had taken advantage of Derek. He needed to work through that, and they would wait for him.

The first time Stiles had been to the mind healer, he had turned into his fox form when he got home and refused to turn back until his dad was home.

It was a difficult process for everyone, but Stiles, Harry, and Derek felt themselves healing slowly and grew even closer together.

The pack also grew. George, Draco, and Narcissa joined the pack and moved to the states.

Harry was surprised when some of the Weasleys visited them. Mr. Weasley, Bill, and Charlie had come to the states to check up on George and visit Harry and Hermione. They had a fun but short time. Apparently, Wizarding Britain was still trying to find Harry, and Mrs. Weasley, Ron, and Ginny started a new story about Harry every other week.

But according to Mr. Weasley, practically nobody believed them. He did apologize for his wife and two of his children, but Harry waved the apology away. Knowing that Mr. Weasley had nothing to do with it and not blaming him at all.

Unfortunately, the world didn't just stop even when everyone needed a reprieve. There was a new big bad in town every other week, and the younger people in the pack still needed to go to school.

Thankfully, most of the big bads weren't counting on an army of witches and wizards next to the werewolves. So they left as soon as they saw it would be lost cause to try and take Beacon Hills.

Stiles and Harry were practically inseparable during the school day, and if they hadn't had classes together, someone from the pack would be at their side.

At home (the Packhouse), they would be with Derek, who was taking online college classes together with learning how to be a good Alpha from Satomi, an Alpha from a neighboring territory.

She had heard about what had happened with the Nogitsune and had come to see the pack that had defeated the thousand-year-old monster for her self.

She was kind, and Derek learned a lot from her. She also had some young people in her pack who were glad to socialize with other werewolves/creatures, so they came with her from time to time, and they had made new friends in the Hale pack.

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