Chapter 4

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Wilbur pov:

As we made our way outside we were stopped by the one and only Phiza Minecraft "Aye mate, where you headin??" "We were just going to go explorer. Ya know figure out where stuff is."" I replied. "Oh, ok! While your out would you mind bringing back food for dinner? I'll go get some groceries tomorrow just need food for the rest of today." that was a reasonable request so I accepted and we were off. Techno and I were talking when we suddenly ran into someone. He was shorter than both of us and had a rather odd look. He looked as though he was two people put in one. He had split red and white hair, on the red half he had a blue eye with what looked like a burn scar around it, and on the white side he had a grey eye. It would have looked beautiful if it was not concerning about the lack of emotion or how dull his eyes looked. It would seem Techno noticed as well cause to my suprise he spoke "Sorry kid you alright?" "Yes, my apologies for bumping into you" "Ehhhh? What do you mean? We walked into you." "Yes, but I was the one who stopped in the middle of the walkway." at this point I knew I had to say something or else Techno would start going crazy "It's alright kid we were all at fault. Putting this whole situation aside though would you mind showing us somewhere we could get dinner? We just moved and we don't really know our way around." "Yea sure, anything you want in particular?" "Nope, anything you think tastes good works." "Ok" and then we were off.

A note

So... I just realized I should probably say this but I very much hate Endevor and Deku so I'm not gonna make them lovable characters. So no redemption arc and no Deku being buddy buddy with some people. Yea... If you like Endevor or Deku sorry

Until next time =^•×•^=

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