Chapter 2

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While Mal lived in a castle watching over the entire isle Haden lived on the street of the isle. The only place that he could call a home was a small crowded warehouse that all the minions and all the other mundane residents of the isle resided. Multiple make shift bed and hammock were layered all over the place to were you could even stand up with out being were someone slept. High above most if not all were the others slept Haden sat on his little ledge were his bed was, he lifted the old flatten and beaten up mattress and in between the crumbling rotten wooden frame that didn't even have legs was all the junk and stuff Haden had swiped. He grabbed his favorite blue leather jacket that had multiple black scorch marks and slight crack through it and he soon covered his hidden trove back up with his mattress once he knew no one was looking. Even though you may share a roof with people doesn't mean they'll be any less likely to not steal it. Haden made his way through the town climbing and leaping on top of people roof tops and stealing tattered blankets and sheet from cloths lines. Stealing bruised fruits from ignorant vendors. He eventually made his way to a group of 5 old women that used to be wicked witches but now are just a group of old hags sitting around a boiling pot of soup that was just dirty water and some kind of fish. As they were sitting around Haden noticed all the old once magical items that are now nothing more then house hold junk like magic wands, what was once flying brooms, and a glass bowl that had a light crack in it.
"Hello ladies look what I got for you.," Haden stated having the blankest cloths he stole in his arm.
"Ah that really good bring it hear. I have your payment ," one of the old ladies said taking a single crystal to hand to Haden.
She tried to reach out for the rag before Haden pulled back before she could grab them.
"Oh no that not how this work we had a deal. I give you what you want but first you each have to give me what I want.," Haden stated.
All the old women grumbled in frustration at the blue haired boy as they were scrounging around for stuff to give. Haden received a few faded crystal, one of the witches wands, pack of tarot card, and the old cracked crystal ball. The last witch didn't know what she could offer to Haden so she tried to give him a couple a bowls of soup in hope it would suffice and Haden excepted it while handing out the blankets and rags he had.
"It was a pleasure doing business with you ladies.," Haden stated trying to be fake charming.
"Go away you little brat.," one of the witches grumbled.
As Haden walked away he looked at his hall if stuff he got from the witches and even the hall he swiped from old hags when they didn't notice which consisted of the rest of the witches wands and a dark red leather hand bag.
Haden continued on his way eventually making his way outside the village to a cave opening with multiple rusted gates surrounding it and numerous signs says get lost and beware the dog that had a image of three dog heads on it. The blue haired vk ignored all of the warning and security traversed through the cave system till he ended up in a very opened up area held up by wooden beams. The room was filled with multiple instruments and half hazardously put together record players and in the middle of the room was a  chair with Hadens father hades snoring away so loudly you think a giant three headed dog did live there.
Haden made his way to his sleeping father who still fast asleep hanging off his warn out ripped coutch. "King of the underworld" more like "king of nap time".
"Time to wake up old man, breakfast." Haden exclaimed kicking his father's foot waking him up.
"Oh it you.," hades stated annoyed.
" Nice to see you to dad," Haden sighed out also annoyed at his father as he handed him one of the bowl of soup he got from the witches.
Haden sat down on the ground trying eat his soup and in the moment hades took his first sip of the broth he spit it out immediately in disgust.
"Blah it is utterly putrid," hades stated.
"Yeah the fish definitely seemed more spoiled than usual.," Haden said not totally affected by the fact.
Hades in a fit of rage threw his bowl to the ground and screamed so loud the entire isle could hear him, " This is ridiculous, I am a GOD!!!!"
"We shouldn't be scrounging around for scraps like street rat! We should be having banquets in our honor!!" Hades ranted on even though Haden was the one scrounging for food.
None of the villains took being confined in such a small isle for the rest of their lives with out magic to well, but no one took it worse then hades. He would go on and on about the fact he use to be a god and that he ran the entire underworld but now he spend all his time underground. Hades believed that Olympus made a mistake throwing him in the isle, that they forgot of his divinity and that they needed a reminder that there still gods. Haden would always just role his eyes at this statement because they knew what they were doing and they didn't make a mistake.
Haden looks with in his bag of stolen goods.
"These wands might be worth something.," said the blue haired vk.
Hades glanced at all the stuff the boy stole only to dismiss it all in annoyance.
"All junk! Worthless!! Useless just get out of here and take your worthless junk with you ." Hades said completely annoyed.
Haden rolled his eyes and did as his father said and left the cave. As the blue haired boy made his way back into town he caught a quick glance at the small glimpse of Auradon that the isle had before looking back at the isle. He never shared the delusion his father had that anyone would take notice of him and let him out the isle, but he did wonder from time to time was this really all there was for him nothing more then being a lowly street rat he always was. After he shook the thought away knowing his fate he caught a glance at a pair of kid sitting alone on the corner. The children had nothing and were clearly hungry. Haden took out a pair of the least rotten apples he stole and took a bite of one of them.
"Blugh completely putrid," Haden said loud enough to he the kids attention.
He tossed the apple towards the kids direction. The kids immediately took the opportunity to take them and began to eat them as he swiftly walked away before people noticed what he did.

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