•𝙏𝙤𝙤 𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙮 𝙊𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 •

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School had started and i had told my closest friends about all my problems and private drama. Also grayson had been getting close with me, meeting up once in a while to smoke some weed. He was also now good friends with the girls especially rue.

"and you have to subtract the integers!" the teacher babbled on as i rested my head on my hand, letting my thoughts take my attention.

I had seen ash around but i never bothered to talk to him. I knew he wanted to talk to me but i couldn't pull myself to do it. He seemed to have distanced himself from alot of people. He barely spoke to tiana by the looks of it and barely hung round with them lot. He stayed mostly with a group of very few boys who didnt seem to be the nicest of souls either.

Eventually the bell rang, bringing me out of my thoughts and back to reality. I grabbed my bag and quickly made my way out. Thank god that was the last lesson of the day, meaning i could go home and do what i had been doing for the past 4 days.


"Hey si!" i hear a voice say from behind me. I turn around and see rue. "oh hey rue, whats up?" i ask her. "nothing, look i know your not on speaking terms with ash but-" she starts to say before i shake my head. "nope, not happening rue" i say. "Oh please! You have a car and i need a ride!" rue says already begging me. "Rue- No! im not doing it im sorry!" i say. She gives me puppy eyes and i shake my head.

"sienna please i'll re pay you!" she says. "No rue im not doing it!" i say as i walk off and her following behind me. "he's probably not even there! He was in today so that must mean he's not working!" rue says. I roll my eyes. "Fine! But if i see him or you see him, say NOTHING. About us, understood?" i say as i wave my finger in her face. She nods quickly. "i needa wait for gray tho" i say. "yesss graysonn my guy" rue says making me laugh.

We get in the car and pick up grayson as we then drive over to fez's shop.

We get out and walk over to fez who was sat in his usual spot. "yooo siennaaa whass good kid, havent seen you in a while" he says. I smile. "yee been busy as usual" i say. He nods knowingly. "i know, i heard" fez says. I nod. "i think he misses you kid" fez says. I give him a half smile."Ash back there?" rue asks. Fez nods as he takes a drag. "alright chill, come with si, please" rue begs once again. I sigh and roll my eyes as i follow her in leaving fez to talk with grayson.

She stops in her tracks as she then says "uhh".
I look and see what shes looking at and i see ash making out with a girl. They pull away seeing rue entered and ash throws the girl off of his lap as soon as he sees me stood there slightly shocked.

"uhm- just want my usual.."rue says slightly traumatised. Ash nods as he had lipgloss all over his lips. I felt myself heat up.

"I- Rue ima- go wait outside" i start to say before the door behind me opens. It was gray.

"hey si, you want something to eat? Snacks for the movie?" he asks as he looks down at me with his hand resting on my waist. I smile and nod. "yes please" i say. He nods then looking up to see ash and the girl. Ash gave him a death stare as his jaw clenched.

Grayson chuckles at ash before then walking out. Ash bags rues shit up aggressively. "soo you and gray huh?" rue says nudging my side as she waited for the drugs. I shrug. "he said this weekend hes gonna take me out and go with me to get my nails and shit done, and he said he'd only pay for it if i got his initial on it" i say. She awes. I chuckle. "you kissed yet?" rue asks with a smirk. I knew rues little game. She was my cousin, it was in our blood. She was getting back at ash for making out with some chick.

"OH will you look at the time i gotta go, Byeeee" i say leaving the room as rue laughs. Ash throws her the bag and then says "that'll be 180" he says. Rue throws him the money.

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