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A few hours had turned into days, as cases had pulled up, and the two brothers were trying to find out what the code meant that Bobby had left them. In all reality, it wasn't going really well.

The first day or two, the brothers sat around drinking away their sorrows, and mourning of their Uncle Bobby. Even though I was doing the same, I had stay more secluded in another part of the house. There was At least three empty whiskey bottles scattered around the room, and an open pill bottle that Sam had given me the night before.

Don't worry, it was for the pounding headaches that had been attacking her. And the nightmares. But those are usually part of a hunter's life. Some of them are worse than others, as they can be unbearable, and make you question life itself sometimes.

Opening the door to the smaller room that I was in, I spotted Sam and Dean. Dean was on the couch, looking at his glass of scotch, while Sam was sitting in a barstool going over some papers and side notes he's been working on. I sat next to Dean, as he glanced over at me. The eldest hunter seemed surprised to see me actually.

Considering I haven't been out of that room for awhile, my skin had looked paler, my hair dry, and bags forming under my eyes.

I looked like complete and utter shit.

Dean scooted over a bit further to me, putting done the glass of a scotch. "Hey, sweetheart." He started, my tired eyes looking up at him. You could see his eyebrows crunch up, before I leaned into his shoulder. "You need to dial down abit. I was thinking that you should stay off away from a few hunts."

I moved away from him, scrunching up her own. "Umm, that's not what I had in mind. It's my job, I'm not just gonna take a break because someone died on us. It's part of the bargain." I explained, patting his knee before I got back up from the coach, and started my way towards the door.

I went through the front door, before leaning on one of the post on the porch. The air was humid and cold from the rain, as it had fogged up the Charger and the Impala's windows. My blue gaze traveled to it, until I heard the hard footsteps. Only to be followed by none other than, Dean. Great, no he's going to patronize me on this. keeping my back on him, I could hear his breathing, before he started to speak one more time.

"Scarlet, I just want you to look at yourself. You look like you haven't ate in days, slept a full good nights sleep, and obviously not going down a good road. I just want you to be safe." The Hunter explained, trying to put his hand on my shoulder, only for me pull away from him.

"And when did you start to care so much about me, Winchester? Don't you have Sam to look after?" I scoffed gently. I know we've been almost at the hip when we were kids but now, we are older and have responsibilities. Dean just had more on his plate than I do. I could feel his eyes burning through me. He probably thought it was the alcohol talking, and not the Scarlet he knew. The one that would listen to his thoughts, and just sit and soak up everything the world had to offer.

Dean had taken ahold of my shoulders, spinning me around the face him. "I've always cared about you, why would you think that differently now?! I've been there from the start, and I'm not gonna let you just go and get yourself killed when your not on your game!" Dean had had a deathly grip on me, as I was starring into cold green eyes, knowing there were hints of sadness, and everything was to blame on him.

"Dean, let me go." I started, my hand gripping on his wrist.

"No, I can't. I can't trust you that you are gonna go out there, and do something stupid." He explained, as I had narrowed my gaze.

One of his hands had moved up towards my face to cup it. I wanted to flinch away, but my body wouldn't let me.

I don't know what it was that had compelled me to not stop, but it was going to happen. Maybe it was just the sorrow that had built in us, and we had to get the tension out. Or maybe it was just the pure fact of wanting a sense if warmth back in our lives.

Faces both becoming soft, the masculine man moved in closer, closing the space between us. We both met half way, letting the kiss fall into a gentle sensation, before I had leant up against the post once again. Hands had started to roam, as for eyes to close.

Only everything was to be cut short, as you could hear Sam calling for the both us.

I pulled away first, before scooting out of Dean's arm trap, going to the front door. He stood standing there, placing his head against the slightly rotting wood.

He either fucked everything up, or maybe just keep a certain loved one from staying.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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