Movies, and don't touch my candy.

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Well, as you know Dean had dragged me to the living room to watch movie marathons. Sam and Bobby had joined us, as Bobby handed me my twizzlers. Yeah, that's right Dean. I got a licorice candy and you don't.

Haha Bitch.

I took the couch, wrapping a blanket over me, as Sam and Bobby settled themselves in chairs, chatting about the Roman situation as Dean placed the dvd into the player.

"You know, Chuck Norris could beat anyone's ass. " Dean spoke up, as he plopped himself down onto the spot beside me. He even took some of the blanket that was over me. Yes, it was a big blanket. But, it's mine.

"Oh please, Bruce Lee could be him. " I piped up, as Sammy snapped his fingers at me agreeing.

"You just say that because he's Asian. "

"You just say that because you are a racist fuck."

"Now, that's not a way a lady should speak." He spoke, taking a twizzler, as I caught ahold of his wrist.

"Who said I was a lady pretty Bo-"

Bobby threw a piece of popcorn at me and Dean, giving a stern look. "You two idjits shut up, and watch the damn movie. "

Well. Fine then.

I only agreed, and took my stolen candy, placing it on my mouth, and poking his nose.

Only for Sam to witness it all.

As the movie went on, we all laughed, and implied that these were the most cheesiest things we've seen. I'd mumble in a few words, implying that there were better movies. Even though you can't beat the classics. I pulled on my sweater sleeves, cuddling up against the arm of the sofa, as the Norris came out with a gun.

Here we go.


"DEAN! Don't put in another movie. " I whined, as he kept getting up.

"But, Scarlet. Me and you are the only ones still awake, and this ones the best one! " He defended himself, already pressing play, and flopping down next to me. He did have a point there. Sam had turned in earlier, as he wanted to get up before dawn. I didn't ask why, but I let it be. And Bobby had fallen asleep by accident.

"So Dean, I want to know what happened to you and Sam?" I asked the man softly, turning my body, so I could put my elbows on his thigh, and resting my head on my fists.

"We've just been through a lot of shit. Id love to explain our story, but it would take a whole day. " Saying that, he looked down at me, green eyes, boring into my blue ones.

"Well, then you owe me that conversation. "I smiled softly as his hand was placed on the small of my back. I never really saw Dean as a, romantic kind of figure. But then again, we were young back then, and just looking for trouble. And occasionally Sammy. But now, we were all grown up, and a lot more things to worry about in the world. I swallowed a lump in my throat as I turned my body, so my head was on his thigh, back onto his stomach. A comfortable position, as I moved the blanket around us properly. It didn't look bad, but I was comfortable, even though the Winchester shifted around abit. I had an idea why... But I'll keep it to myself. Okay guys I'm kidding. Calm down put your awful minds in another world. .

"You do understand I'm going to fall asleep on you like this. Right?" I spoke gently, opening one eye to look over at him.

"I figured. "

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