unforgettable night

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An** this chapter will have sexual content.***

I can't believe I almost walked in my father and snape doing it. Later that night harry was feeling frisky and I started kissing him. " undress me my love." He begged . " as you wish my vampire." I say in a sexy way. I kissed his neck and chest and his stomach. Then he begged me to hump him. " go harder". He begged. " I will love." I say.. I begin to thrust him up and down. " ooo drakieeeeee ". He moans. " sexy...." I say. I go harder and faster than I did the other night. " I'm cum in!!!!!" He screams.. We both cum and I lick it up. Then after we clean up and fall asleep. * smut over*** we woke up the next morning and we got dressed and ready for the day. We head down to the dinning hall and harry was very quiet for some reason. " babe what's wrong?" I asked. " nothing I just want to get out of here." He said. " harry, I'm here for you if you need anything." I say as I hold his hand. " i can't believe that our parents are together." I say.  We were getting ready to head back to school soon and harry was nervous.

The first night back at hogwarts and I was very quiet. I didn't want to be bothered with anyone. " harry how have you been?" Ron asked. " I'm alright I guess." I say. " Are you sure mate?" He asked. " I said I'm fine Ron! I just don't feel like talking to much. I'm sorry." I say angrily. I walked out of the great hall and headed to the room of requirements and I fell on the ground crying. * I don't belong here* I just want to disappear and never come back. Then I heard someone come in the room , Draco sat with me. " what's wrong?" He asked. " I just feel depressed about everything and I don't want to be around anyone." I say. " harry, I don't want to leave you alone, I want to be around you. I love you." He said as he kissed me. I pulled away and said " I love you too.". We kissed again. Then something came over me and I had to blurt it out. " I want to have a baby." I say. He just stared at me and didn't say anything. " I shouldn't have said that I'm sorry." I say. " I would love to have a baby with you." He said. " oh baby.. You don't know how happy you make me." I say. Next thing you know we are kissing and hugging. " you want to make a baby now?" He asked. " sure let's start right now!!" I joke. " harry snape!! Are you saying we should do that right now?" He asked. " I'm kidding , we should do that when you're ready." I say. " Are you sure that you're wanting a baby right now?" He asked. " I mean not right this minute, maybe down the road." I say.

Harry really wanted to have a baby soon , I just wanted to finish school and then think about the future. " harry how about we wait till after we leave Hogwarts and then think about having kids." I suggest. " I don't know if I will have a future, because of voldemort." He said. " harry you killed him last year. He's gone." I say. " I don't remember that, I remember getting injured then waking up in a hospital." He said. " this is our last year at school." I say. We leave the room of requirements and head to class.  Harry was very quiet the rest of the day. We went to the great hall and he didn't want to sit with me. He moved to another table. " trouble in paradise malfoy?" Astrid asked me. She was a fellow Slytherin and very rich from a pure blood family. Her father was a death eater scum who was arrested for murder after the war. " go away nikks!!" I yelled. " oh come on Drake you know you love me." She said trying to mess with my hair. " stop! " I say. Then I heard a door slam and it was harry who ran off.

I'm done with everything in my life, he hurt me and I can't deal with it anymore. He was obviously with nikks and she could have kids with him and I was just a one night stand. I go to the tower and leap.

I was trying to find harry and explain what really happened with nikks but I couldn't find him. Then I seen a body laying on the ground!! " Harry!?" I yelled.

A month later

He finally woke up and he needed lots of care. " harry I can explain what happened, she tried to hit on me and I told her to leave me alone." I say. " okay." He mumbled. " harry I would never hurt you. " I say. " I'm sorry". He said. " what are you sorry for ?" I ask. " for not believing you and I am so stupid. I shouldn't have stressed you about having kids." He said. I held his hand. " I love you Harry and I would love to have kids with you." I say. " I love you too." He says as we kissed.

A week later
An** this part has a smut warning*****
You may skip it if you feel uncomfortable..

We went to the room of requirements and I laid,him on the bed. We kissed and I stripped him and began kissing him all over. " I want you inside me!" He moans.  I position myself and I hump him. " fuck!!" He moans. I harrased his sexy abs and I licked him. " more... Babe.." He moans. " you like that baby?" I say in a sexy way. " oo yea " he moans. I start going harder and faster. " drakieee" he moans. " I love when you say my name like that." I say.  I hump his stomach now and he  squeezes my ass. " I'm getting close.." He said. " mm mm me too." I moan. " drakiee drakieee ooo drakieee ooooooo fuck!!!!" He moans. I go harder and then we both cum. I lick up his cum. He moans.. I didn't want to stop. We had sex all night . until we woke up naked the next morning. I woke up to him playing with my nipple. Then I  had him on his back again and I hump his stomach. " ahh baby!!!!" He moans. Then I go harder and faster. He  begged me to go inside him.. Then we both cum. We cleaned up and get ready for class. ** smut over****

The entire day was very long and I just wanted to lay down with Draco and cuddle. We had sex all night again.

To be continued..
There's gonna be an mpreg !!!

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