its time.....prt1

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My water broke and I was in labor for hours....

My baby girl was pushing so hard and she was tired.. " come on honey, you got this." I say. " ahhh this is worse than a curse!!!" She screams.. A few hours later our baby girl Leah may Parkson was born.. " you did great baby." I say.

The nurse told us that teals baby was born and we were excited. " I'm going to spoil that little cutie!!!" I say.. " I'm so happy to meet our niece." Draco said.

*** time skip***
Harry and I were in our room and cuddling. " babe, I want to ask you something." He said. " what is It?" I asked him while playing with his hair. " I want to have another baby." He said. " ooh baby, you want to give our little girl a sibling." I say. " yes I do. I want you in me now." He said in a sexy way.
** smut warning*** I kissed him and undressed him. " ooh get in me please!!!" He begged. " first let me kiss those sexy abs and suck your cock first." I say. " ooo baby"... He moans.. I harassed his stomach more and he moans softly. I began humping him and he begged me to keep going. " draco... Draco.... Dracoooooooo i love you !!!!" He screams as he cums. I clean us up and we fall asleep. ** smut over**

Its been a few days and I have had sex with Draco practically every night. I woke up this morning and I felt sick. " Draco, I don't feel good." I say. Our family nurse fefe ran test and I'm pregnant again!!! We kissed.. We had to tell our parents. " dad , Draco and I have something to tell you." I say. " what is it, also we have news." My father said. " what's your news?" Draco asked. " we are gonna have a baby. " my father said. " um.. So are we." I say. " wait , who's gonna have a baby??" Draco asked. " I am pregnant with twins dragon." Lucius said. " well, I have news as well. I'm also pregnant!!!" I say. Everyone was happy and felt awkward at the same time.. " uh Draco, can I talk to you in our room please?" Harry asked. " sure yea let's go." I say. We go to our room and talk about what just happened. " that was awkward and I wasn't expecting that." Harry said. I laid Skyler down for her nap. " yea I know, its going to be a little weird having my father pregnant and you pregnant as well at the same time." I say. We had a lot of planning to do before we had our second baby. But we will get through it.

Short chapter...
The next one will be longer..

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