Second chance of happiness

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Everything was alright with us again. Harry was feeling better now and he still needed therapy. Astrid was expelled for what she did. I had a plan to ask harry to marry me. I wanted to try again about having kids, If he was ready.
I head to the great hall and harry was at the table. " hey did you sleep well?" I ask. " yea I did, I was just getting done with my breakfast." He said. Things are not all great I lied, its awkward. " oh okay I'll see you later then." I say. He gets up and leaves. I just get up and head to class and I sit in the back. Harry was in the middle of the classroom. I didn't want to push anything or make it worse. I stayed in my seat. Professor Snape approached me and once again I'm fucking done. " sir im fine where I'm at, I don't understand why you want me to move." I say. Your seat is with harry, so please go to your assigned seat or receive detention." He said. I didn't want to argue with the bat so I got up and went to my seat. I stayed silent and didn't say anything. We barely talked the entire time. I leave and head off to herbology. Then I had some free time to myself. I just went to Myrtle bathroom and read a book. " hello there, why are you alone?" She asked. " I like being alone." I lied.   " you seem sad, trouble with love?". She asked. " love ? No.. I don't know what to call it. I'm just sitting here trying to read." I say. She flew away and went to a stall.

I hated this shit, I don't want to be alone. I just want him in my life. I lied about eating breakfast and nothing is the same. I did want to try again for another baby but I don't know if I have Draco or not. We hugged it out but its still awkward. I head to my second potion class and Draco was there too. I sat in my seat and he didn't sit with me. " Mr. Malfoy go to your Seat!" Snape said . He sat with me and I waved. " hey baby, I mean Draco. " I said. * I'm stupid* " hi honey , I love you so much and I want to try again for another baby." He said really fast. " I couldn't understand what you said." I say with a confused look. " I'm sorry about being awkward, I gotta go get our ingredients honey . I love you." He said and then he kissed me. " GET A ROOM!!!" Delphine said. She's Astrid sister. " SOD OFF BITCH "!!. I yelled. " enough of this nonsense!" Snape yelled. " sorry sir." I say.


I hate that bitch Delphine. I sat with harry and we worked on our potion. I don't know what came over me when I kissed him. After class I left and went to the great hall for lunch. I sat at my table and harry actually sat with me. " I'm sorry about what happened in class." He said in a quiet voice. " its fine sweetheart,  I mean Harry." I say. * I'm so stupid* " why did you kiss me?" He asked. " I ... Should apologize for that. I'm sorry." I struggle to say. He looked away from me. " I'm just going to go now, I think I have done to much." I say and I get up to leave. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to the table. " bloody hell harry warn me next time." I say trying not to sound angry. " please don't.... Go.. " he begged. " I have to go study." I say.. " no. Please stay... Or.. Let me come with you.." He said. *what the fuck is happening* I get up again and leave the great hall. I hear footsteps behind me and I know it was him. I tried to lose him and he kept finding me. So I ran off to the forest and I fell down a steep hill. " argghhh !!!!" I screamed. I broke my arm. I get up and then I fell over. " ahh this shit Hurts!!!" I scream. Next thing I know Severus snape is picking me up and I'm in a hospital bed.
Harry was by my side.. " Draco, are you alright?" He asked. " I'm fine now that you're here." I say. " Draco, I followed you because Delphine was plotting to attack us. I can't lose you again, I won't be able to survive it." He said as he grabbed my hand.  " professor Snape, how did you know where I was.?" I asked. " harry told me where you were going and I followed you both." He said. " I'm sorry, this is to much to handle." I say . " no.. You can't leave me. I will literally die with out you!!!" Harry cried. " what does he mean by die with out me?" I asked. " he's your soul mate and the last time he almost died from a broken heart , he loves you so much Draco and he feels safer around you." Snape explained. " so, I'm his dominant and without me he dies?" I asked. " yes, I will die with out you. I don't want you to leave me.. " he pleaded. " I'm ..sorry about everything." I say. " I forgave you a long time ago. " he said. " I don't want to hurt you anymore, I can't deal with that pain of losing our baby. But I'm willing to try again in the future if you're ready." I said. " I'm ready now Draco, I want to try again." He said.

A few days later
My arm was feeling better and the potion helped heal it. Harry was beyond ready to have sex with me and we went to the room of requirements. * smut warning*** I lay him down on the bed and I begin to kiss him all over. Then he begged me to lick his stomach and I did. " ooo drakieee" .. He moans. I get on top of him and hump him. He begs me to go fast. " I'm close.. Ooo go inside Me!!" He moans. I take some lube and put it inside him and I enter him. He begs for more. I go harder.. " drakiee im cumin..'" He moans.. He squirt all over the bed and I kept going. He begged me hump his stomach and I did. Then we both have an orgasm. We get cleaned up and fall asleep.. *smut over***

I woke up with my lover by my side and I got up and ran into the bathroom. I ran my hand over my stomach and prayed I was pregnant. Then I went back to bed and he was up. " morning baby." He said. " morning love." I say as we kissed. " I want more kisses." I say. We kissed more and then we ended up having sex. ** more smut warning***
I was naked and begging him to enter me again, he licked my neck and chest.  I begged him to kiss and hump my stomach. I begged him to keep going even after I cum. I wanted more and more. We kissed more and he licked my d. I begged him for more stomach love. He humped my stomach until I had a big orgasm. We continue to have sex together and I felt so hot. Then we fell asleep. ** smut over****.

Practically every day and night we made love. He would always go to the bathroom and rub his stomach and beg me to get him pregnant. One morning after we made love, he ran into the bathroom and puked. Then we go to the hospital wing and we get him a test. Well it worked because he was pregnant. We where so excited.

To be continued..

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