wedding time prt2.

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An** trigger warning!!!

I couldn't find harry anywhere after he went to the bathroom. " DRACO TO DUMBLEDORES OFFICE IMMEDIATELY".  
I went to his office and I was told that they found a dody in the forest. It looked like harry. I went to the hospital wing and I started crying. " NO!!!?! CURSE THAT BITCH WHO DID THIS!! I WANT HER DEAD!!!!!" I YELLED. I didn't care who heard me. Instead of a wedding I'm planning a funeral. I'm not going to live another day without him. I plan my funeral too. This will be our wedding. Our death.... Our forever....

A few days later
I was told the news and I gave them both healing potion..

I was alive and so was harry. Snape healed us. We were married and that night was hot.. ** smut warning***

I laid down and begged him to fuck me. I wanted him to kiss my pregnant stomach and lick it. He did. I moaned.. " fuck.... " I moan. " I'm going to hump u. Baby.. You're so sexy and tight.." He said. " ooo ooh drakieee" . I moan.. He rode me all night. It was sexy.. I begged for more... " I'm cumin!!!!" .... I moan.. We clean up and fall asleep. ** smut over*"

My brother was happy to be married. I wanted to get my love on with pansy.. She had a surprise for me.. " from the moment we've met , I knew you were mine. I want to have a family with you. I love you.. Will you teal lily Snape be my wife?" She asked me in the great hall. " yes!!!!" I say.. We went to the bathroom and locked the door. ** smut warning **
I laid down on the floor. I begged for love. She licked my neck, breast and my stomach. I begged for more.. She fingered me hard.. " ooo pansy bear I am gonna cum.." I moan.. She got on my stomach and humped me. " I'm cumin!?" I moaned.. I begged her to keep going.. She was all over me.. I enjoyed it. We had sex all night. ** smut over***

Its been a few days since we had sex. Teal was throwing up alot and it turns out I got her pregnant!!!

We where in class and harry felt sharp pain. " my water broke.!!?" He said..
It was baby time!!! We went to the hospital wing and he was in labor for a while. Our little girl was born and we named her Skyler Lee malfoy.

My brother had his baby and she was adorable. We had told them I was pregnant and they were happy.


I was happy to finally be a parent. We had a few days left for school and my father wanted to see me and Draco. " what's going on?" I asked. Then I noticed Mr. Malfoy was in the room as well. " this may be a shock for you, but we've discovered that we are mates". Mr. Malfoy said. " what, How!!! This is madness!!!!" Draco yelled. " dragon please, I don't want you getting mad. I love you so much and I don't want to have any problems." He said. " I don't feel good." I say..

I was so confused about what is going on. " I'm sorry but this is to much!!!" I say. Then I heard a thud. Harry fell and no one noticed. " CAN I HAVE SOME HELP HERE!!!" I yelled. We got him to the hospital wing and we found out he has a tumor. This was the worst day of my life!!! I ran out and I cried. My father followed me. " son, he will be alright. We have to stay positive." He said. " how can you be sure? Look what happened to mum. She had cancer and she passed away. Now harry has brain cancer and I'm going to lose him." I cry. " look, I know things haven't been all that great since your mum died, but not a day goes by that I don't miss her ." he said. " I remember her making me her special soup when I had wizard flu". I said. " I had to help you get to sleep as well." He said. " I miss her, I just hope your happy with Severus. I'm sorry for over reacting." I say. " its okay son, I understand. I would have done the same thing. But I'm glad you accepted." He said.

A few days later
Harry was very sick and my heart was hurting. " I love you so much, I wish you would get better." I say. " Draco, visiting hours are over." The nurse said. I left and came back the next day. He was gone!!! I left the hospital wing in tears.... I went to the room of requirements and cried.... My heart was hurting so much that I passed out..

I went to find Draco to tell him that harry was doing fine and that the tumor was gone. But I didn't know where he was. Then I went by the room of requirements and I found him. I brought him to the hospital wing. He woke up and looked sad. " hey son, its me Severus. Harry is doing much better." I say. " I know he died....." He mumbled. Harry walked in the room holding Skyler. " harry!!! You're alive!!!" He said. " yea I'm alive. " he said..


We finally graduated from school. Harry and I were happy. We stayed in my manor. My father had a surprise for Severus and he asked for his hand in marriage. He said yes of course. Pansy and teal also stayed with us. Teal was due in 6 months and they are having a girl. Super excited for them .

The next chapter will be the birth of teals baby !!!! Two more chapters left!!!

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