The Jedi and Hero: Season 2

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Cal and Kanan were practicing on the roof of the Ghost

Kanan- I'm surprised you still want to train, with the empire out of this system, I'd thought you'd be done?

Cal- Well, I would... but Just because the Empire left us alone... doesn't mean that the rest of the Galaxy is. Plus, I need to get my mind off of some things

Kanan jumped behind Cal and tried to strike him but he was able to block it last second

Kanan- Girl problems?

Cal- I wish it was just that... Momo has been quite calm as of recently actually...

Kanan- School? Jedi Problems?

Cal- Somewhat... I'm Top of the class remember, and now that space travel is active, they're making a Force-Sensitive Program at school and that's kind of the issue

Kanan- Alright...

Kanan deactivated the saber and sat on the edge of the Ghost

Kanan- Let's hear it

Cal deactivated his saber sat next to him

Cal- They want me to lead this program... be the Jedi Leader to them... but I'm not a Jedi... at least not anymore

Kanan- Well, they asked you for a reason, you're the only one who's had experience in both the Light and Dark Side of the Force. You would be a right choice for anyone

Cal- But I've only had one time to teach an Apprentice and that's Eri... she's put down the saber and tried being a Full-Time student... so... yeah

Kanan- Jeez, and the only ones you've really had as mentors were me and Nemuri, she's still there, but has also retired the blade... so all that leaves is

Cal- You and Var-- Father

Kanan- Vardik is still in Prison... I don't know how much more help he'll be, he's still recovering from the Dark Side.... Hasn't used his powers since imprisoned too

Cal- So... it's just me... and you... If only there were more like us out there... if anything... someone more qualified than me

Hera came from outside the ghost and yelled at them

Hera- Hey, you two might want to see this

They went inside and heard a transmission from a planet called Lothal

???: I don't know who's hearing this, I hope this gets to the liberated system... Cal Kestis, if you out there, I'm Ezra bridger... I need your help. Lothal needs your help, we're fighting back, but we're losing, and you're one of the few Jedi left, well... I'm connected with whatever thing that is, it's like a ringing in the back of my neck... but I can do what a Jedi does... so if you're getting his... Please help

Sabine- This message came from Lothal they're in the middle of an Imperial blockade, even if we would be able to get to the Outer Rim, the part that will be harder is getting into the planet, after our little Liberation The Ghost and every Rebel ship on this planet are in their system. And We're plastered on every Imperial board for a reward. Getting on the planet wouldn't be hard. It'll be getting off.

Cal- And there's the possibility of running into another Inquisitor or Sith

Zebb- There's more of them? I thought you killed the Inquisitor

Cal- I killed the ninth sister, if we're going by numbers, then there's more. And I think that the Empire wouldn't take the loss of a force user so lightly

Hera- So Cal, you're the one he requested, so. It's your call, what do we do?

Cal- We go to Lothal and get this Ezra Bridger

The Jedi and The Hero {Force User x Bnha}Where stories live. Discover now