I'm Sorry

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I walk into my room, heartbroken about what went down between me and Noah.

I was still heartbroken that he went off with my sister, but I shouldn't be like this. My sister's wedding is in a couple of days.

I'm her maid of honor! Her sister! Her family... even though some moments it doesn't feel like it.

"Aria?" Olivia asked, sleepily. I look at her confused.

"How did you fall asleep that quick?" I slurred, still a bit tipsy.

"I'm tired... Sage is killing me! And my back.." Olivia said, groaning while clutching her back.

"You know what, this mama is going to get a drink cause she deserves it, and I'm giving sage to her father" Olivia said, making her way to the crib.

"I can take care of my godchild" I said, holding out my arms.

"Hell no! You're drunk" Olivia said, walking out of the room with Sage.

I sigh from exhaustion, as I close the door. I fall back on the bed, and close my eyes.

I can't fall asleep.

I'm overthinking about Noah. Im overthinking about what I said to him. This thing we have right now.. is so difficult and I can't figure it out.

I then heard a knock on the door, causing me to groggily get up.

"Olivia what do you want-" And there stands THE Noah.

Yeah the one that I was thinking about like not even a minute ago.

"May I come in?" Noah asked. I nodded and moved out of the way so he could come in.

"Look.. this is weird.." Noah said.

"What's weird?" I asked.

"This thing that we have.. we are friends but we always got to make this friendship awkward" Noah said.

"I wonder why" I said, internally slapping my honest drunk ass.

"Seriously Aria? You have to put it that way?" Noah said, annoyed.

"Of course! It's the truth.. that's why it's awkward.. look I don't have the time right now and I'm exhausted so please leave" I said, pointing at the door.

"I want to talk" Noah said.

"Talk about what?" I asked.

"Look I'm sorry! I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have left you for you sister I.." Noah then stopped in the middle of his sentence.

What was he going to say?

"Noah.. what are you talking about?" I asked, confused.

"Nothing just forget about it" Noah said, walking away. I quickly grab his wrist, and he turns around to face me.

"You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" I asked. Noah smiled down at me and nodded.

"Right" Noah said, bending down my height and kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight sister in law" Noah said, walking out of the room.

"Goodnight brother in law.." I murmured. I close the door, and groan. I groaned and flopped back on the bed.

'I should probably get Olivia before she gets really drunk' I think to myself. I forced myself up, and walked out of the room. I walk downstairs, to see the kitchen empty.

Where's Olivia? She's probably in the bathroom.

Maybe I'll check Christians room to see if she's there and make sure Sage is okay.

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