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As she arrived back at home, she walked into the kitchen where Eliza and Jeremiah stood, with disappointed looks on their faces. Kara awkwardly grinned as she waved.

"Phone." Eliza said, reaching her hand out. Kara sighed and reached into her back pocket, pulling her phone out and placing it in Eliza's hand.

"And you can go join your sister in your room." Jeremiah said. Kara nodded made her way upstairs and to her room. She plopped down on her bed and looked over at Alex, who was reading a book while laying on the floor.

  "What are you doing?" Kara asked.

  "Reading." Alex replied, not taking her eyes off the book.

  "On the floor?"

  "I'm bored. So bored. It's been absolute torture since I got back. You're lucky. You got two days in Metropolis with Lena and I haven't seen Maggie in two days. Two whole days. And she has our son, Kara. Our son! I miss Callen!" Alex groaned and threw the book across the room as she rolled over onto her stomach.

   "Oh.." Kara nodded. "You'll see them soon."

  "Ugh.." Alex groaned. After a few minutes she sat up and looked at Kara. "How was Metropolis?"

  "It was great!" Kara smiled. Her mind wandered back to their activities together. She wished she could be back in Metropolis with Lena.

  "Don't give be any details or anything." Alex said sarcastically. "It's not like I've been deprived of any outside information for the last two days."

  "Right, uh, sorry." She chuckled. Kara then explained a few of the activities they did, such as the movie and the park, but sparing the details of their relationship like Lena had asked.

~One week later~

It's safe to say that the boredom has officially set in. They haven't left the house since they were grounded, and for the first time ever were looking forward to going grocery shopping with Eliza this afternoon. Alex had called Maggie for the first time since it started this morning and practically forced her to meet at the grocery store later on.

Most of their days have been spent watching television, or laying in bed while staring at the ceiling, or even playing random board games together. They occasionally read, but it was the last thing either of them wanted to do on summer break.

  Tomorrow, Alex and Kara are going to the pride parade that Maggie and Alex organized. It took a lot of begging (and threatening) on Alex's part to be allowed to go. Kara decided to tag along as an 'ally'.

  "Come on girls! You better be ready to go or I'm leaving you home!" Eliza yelled from downstairs. Both girls eyes widened as they rushed to get ready. Within a few seconds Kara was downstairs and waiting on Alex.

  "Can I call Lena? Please!" Kara pleaded. "Alex probably won't be ready for a few more minutes." Eliza sighed and handed Kara her phone.

  "You have until Alex comes down those steps." Eliza said. Kara grinned and dialed Lena's number while walking to a more secluded part of the house.

"Kara?!" An out of breath Lena said on the other side of the phone.

"Yes. Hi!" Kara smiled. "Are you alright? You sound.. out of breath."

"Sorry." She took a moment to gather her breathing. "For this school I'm required to partake in one after school activity and the only one that was open was cross country. In case you haven't noticed, it isn't my type of thing."

"Oh Lena." Kara chuckled.

"How's everything going over there? Is everyone doing good?" Lena asked.

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