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"I heard that she killed her boyfriend!"

"Look at her ankle bracelet!"

"Why are they letting a murderer in the school?!"

"Aw she looks so sad."

"Don't feel bad for her! She's a killer!"

Her eyes stayed focused on the floor as she walked down the crowded hallways of the school. People moved out of the way, not wanting to come in contact with the 'murderer'. She didn't meet up with any of her friends, instead she just went from class to class without saying a word. When lunch rolled around, she ate alone by the lockers.

"Kara.." Lena said as she approached her.


"You should come sit with us.." Lena said.

"I'm good. Thanks." Kara mumbled.

"Fine.. I'll just sit here." Lena shrugged and slid down to the floor. Kara kept her eyes on her food, while Lena kept hers on Kara.

The silence was loud, neither of them daring to say anything. Lena reached her hand out and grazed it across Kara's. Kara felt the delicate touch of Lena's fingers as they traced across her hand, causing her to look up.

"I'm really sorry, Kara.." Lena frowned.

"I know.." Kara nodded.

"Are you sure you don't want to come sit with us?" Lena asked.


"Want me to stay here?"

Kara shook her head and went back to looking at her food. Lena slowly stood up and walked away. Kara looked up to watch her walk away and was met by an unlikeable face.

"Kill your boyfriend you freak?" He laughed. Kara stayed silent.

"I knew there was something wrong with you." He shook his head and lowered himself to her level.

"Go away, James.." Kara mumbled.

"Or what? You'll kill me too?" He laughed once again and slapped the food out of her hand.

"Nice ankle bracelet." He stomped on her leg as he stood up and walked away. She looked down at her leg and noticed a bruise starting to form. Her eyes widened and she reached down. As she grazed her hand over the bruise, it starting to sting so she withdrew her hand.

"What..?" She whispered as she stood herself up. She felt pain as she put weight on her leg and clenched her teeth.

"Why is this happening?" She mumbled. The halls started to fill with people after the bell rang, forcing Kara to act like nothing was wrong and continue to her next class.

Once in history class, she took a seat in the back of the room. Lena entered the room shortly after and made her way to the seat next to Kara. The teacher hadn't arrived yet, so that class was full of people talking about them.

"Look. It's the murdering freaks." Someone called out, pointing to them. Kara put her head down and Lena stood up.

"Why don't you mind your own business, dumbass?!" Lena said.


"They shouldn't be letting people like you into school!" He called out.

"Class! Settle down." The teacher said as he made his way into the room.

Everyone took their seats without saying another word and listened as the teacher carried on with the lesson. Kara didn't focus much to the lesson, as she was mainly worried about the fact that she was bruising and vulnerable. She could feel the pain in her leg.

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