Salsa and a Date

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I was so excited for this evening!! I looked at the clock and i was only 12. The boys usually got done with interviews around 3, so i sat on the huge couch and watched "Safe Haven" I was crying as usual. I always crcy on sad movies. I got hungry at around 1 so i made some home made salsa and sat on the couch and was always :) when i finished i noticed it was 1:30 so i skipped upstairs to take a shower.

when i got out and went over to my wardrobe and picked out this...,r:24,s:0,i:158&tx=73&ty=101

i did my hair like this...,r:48,s:0,i:230&tx=78&ty=48

I felt good about myself so i took a picture. As i was starring at myself in the mirror i admired my tattoo,,r:11,s:100,i:37

I heard a faint creek in the floor coming from downstairs but i shrugged it off. I grabbed my phone from my charger and saw that it was 3:15. Maybe the boys are running late, I thought to myself. As i got to the bottom of the stairs i could sense that there was something wrong. As i walked by the hallway closet someones warm hands grabbed my wrist. And of course i panicked so i grabbed their wrist and flipped them over my shoulder onto the floor in front of me. Then i noticed who it was...Louis. He looked amazed. "OMG are you alright Louis??! I am sooo sorry!!" I practically screamed, "Im alright love haha. just shocked at how strong you are>" he replied with a friendly smile. "Haha ok. Where are the other boys?" I questioned, "Oh they are in the kitchen, I think." I walked in to see all the boys eating the rest of my homemade salsa...ecspecially Niall who was stuffing his face. I giggled and all the boys turned around to me. Harry gave me a wolf whistle and i just smiled cause i felt pretty for once.

"You make incredible salsa!!" Niall exclaimed. "Why thankyou" I giggled slightly. Zayn came forward and took your hand "Ready love?" he asked "Of course" I smiled. You guys walked out of the house still hand in hand but i didnt mind at all....I mean come holding hand with the one and only ZAYN MALIK ...1/5 of the boys from ONE DIRECTION!!! I secretly fan girled inside. He opened the door for me and i sat down in his really nice car. He got in and started the engine. "Where are we going Zayneeee?" I asked curiously, "I cant tell you its a surprise..."

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