Carnival and Kiki

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   "Put this on." He showed me a blind fold. I looked up into his pleading face and gave in. He tied it around my head and came around the car to help me out. He held my hand as we were walking. Judging by the sounds i could hear, it was someplace busy and i could smell a mixture of diffrent scents. He stopped me and went behind me to untie the blindfold. While was doing that he whispered in my ear which sent chills down my spine,"I hope we have fun." I could hear the smile in his voice which made me smile. When i could finally could see i saw the Carnival. I smiled wide and turned to face Zayn I gave him a huge hug and he giggled. "Ready?" he asked. "Of course." With that we walked in with him wearning a eanie and glasses as a disguis from fans, but it made him even more hot...Wait hes hot everyday. He lead the way to the ticket booth and bought us each one wristband. He dragged me towards the ride called "Vertical Velocity" And I was terrified...I am no fan of rollercoasters. I mostly come to carnivals for the food and shows, not the rides. Zayn turned around when i was hesitating to move any further to the rides line. His eyebrows srunched together in confusion onto why i wouldnt move,then his eyes filled with concern and  he asked, "Are you ok?" I didnt want to admit it but i told him, "Im scared." he then hugged me tight and whispered, "I would never let anything hurt you." That me feel A LOT better. He took hold of my shoulderes and said, "Why dont we go do something else?" I thought about for a minute and i reallly didnt want to ruin Zayns fun and i REALLY didnt want to ruin this date because i was scared of some machine. I smiled and took his hand and ran to the line which only had a few teens. The guy checking our wristbands was about my age maybe a year or 2 older seemed to have a stareing problem cause he could not get his eyes off of me. I think Zayn noticed cause out of the corner of my eye i saw him give the boy a glare and he put his arm around my shoulder. I got MAJOR butterflies. The boy looked away almost scarred. After the ride we rode evry ride in the park cause i relised i was safe haha. Zayn noticed i was getting tired so he said, "Lets head on home." I nodded and grabbed my giant elephant that Zayn won for me. I was dragging my feet on the way to the car cause i was exausted!! Zayn then pickedd me up bridal style and kept walking; I did not mind at all.

     As we neared the car I started hearing someone crying and i poked Zayn "Do you hear that?" I asked "Hear what?" He asked back. Right after he asked we heard a loud sniffle. "That." It was coming from between two closed tents that were used to sell cheap toys and souviiners. I got down from Zayns arms and walked towards the sound. When i came around the corner I saw a girl who looked my age sitting with her head between her kness crying her eyes out. I knelt down next to her and asked, "are you ok?" she llooked up and i saw her big hazel eyes blood shot from crying. she looked back down and shook her head. "Whats wrong?" I wanted to help her. she looked away and whispered, "Everyone hates me." And she started crying harder. I sat next to her and said, "Wanna tell me about it?' She looked at me and told me the whole story about how her boyfriend would hit her and her mom was an alcholic and her dad died and how she was bullied at school. She was kicked out of her house and broke up with her boyfriend. She ended up falling asleep in my lap after telling me everything. "Zayn??" io whispered loudly. His head popped into the opening between the two tents and came toward me. I need help. He picked her upbridal style and we walked to the car.

 In the car we layed her in the back. I told Zayn the whole story. "Wait whats her name?" Zayn questioned. "Kiki, I think. Can she stay with us till she get backs on her feet?" He thought about it tfor a minute and said, "Im good with that but we have to ask the boys." Ismiled a small smiled leaned over kissed his cheek which turned a soft pink and you guys drove off.

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