~ Prologue ~

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~ I've been having these...weird thoughts lately like is any of this for real or not? ~

Sora's POV

The familiar sounds of the seagulls squawking and the waves crashing lazily on the beach makes me wake my small nap. I sit up, giving another yawn and just plonk myself back down on the sand, seeing another two faces leaning over me.

"Whoa!" I exclaim, sitting upright again, and turn to see the two girls who are my two best friends, "give me a break you two!"

Kairi wears a white top with a black one underneath, and purple biker shorts underneath a purple skirt with a blue belt, and white slip-on shoes with purple caps. She also has a black choker, a yellow wristband as well as a purple armband on her left arm and a pair of bracelets on her right arm. Her blue eyes match mine, a nice shade of blue, and short red hair. The girl beside her, Ane, has long brown hair, tied back into a low, messy ponytail, wearing a blue cropped top and dark grey shorts, with a red hoodie tied around her waist. Her feet are snuggled into some plain brown boots, that comes up to her knees, and she has a glove on her left hand, reaching to just under her elbow.

My favourite thing about Ane is her eyes. She has one dark brown one, almost the shade of my hair, and one green one. She tries to hide her brown one with her side fringe, but I constantly tell her – and I've lost count of how many times I need to tell her – that she doesn't need to hide it. It really suits her!

I wear something completely strange. A red jumpsuit with puffy shorts with a zip that runs down the front of my chest. Over the top, I've thrown on a white and black jacket, and my feet are in some yellow shows. I haven't bothered to sort out my blue belt around my waist, and as I turn to the two girls behind me, I sort out my white, fingerless gloves.

"Sora, you lazy bum!" Kairi exclaims, standing straight.

"We knew that we'd find you snoozing down here," Ane adds, giggling.

"No!" I exclaim, "this huge black thing swallowed me up! I could'nt breathe, I couldn't- ow!" I exclaim, as Kari lightly whacks my head.

"Are you still dreaming?" She asks, leaning forward again.

"It wasn't a dream!" I respond, but then begin to doubt myself. I'm back here. So... "or was it? I don't know...what was that place?" I ponder for a moment, "so bizarre..."

"Yeah, sure," Kairi shrugs, and she walks forwards towards the water. Ane follows her, breathing in the salty sea air.

"Say, Kairi, Ane," I ask, watching them both head towards the water, "what was your hometown like? You know, where you grew up?"

"I told you before," Kairi responds, "I don't remember."

"Nothing at all?"


"And you, Ane?"

"Only small pieces...like a canal just outside our house. And how many boats used to go back and forth. And a small field just down the path. That's it really."

"You ever wanna go back?" I ask them.

"Well, I'm happy here," Kairi responds, "right, Ane?"

She nods, agreeing with Kairi.

The one thing I've noticed with Ane is she agrees with everyone. When Riku and I have had our mini arguments, and we ask her something, she never wants to answer, because she agrees with the both of us. She doesn't like taking sides, and she also doesn't like having her own opinion apparently.

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