Chapter 1 - ...The Keyblade Wielder?

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"Huh?" Goofy, wandering the worlds with his friend Donald Duck, points up to the sky, seeing a star blink out of existence, "look! A star's going out!"

Donald turns to Goofy, "let's hurry!" Walking further in and up some stairs by the accessory shop, Donald folds his arms, "where's that key...?"

"Hey, ya know, maybe we oughta go find Leon," Goofy suggests, looking down at his friend. He stops as he sees Pluto sniffing in another direction, "uh, Donald, ya know, I betcha that-."

"Ah, what do you know, you big palooka?"

"What do I know?" Goofy asks, looking towards Pluto again, "c'mon, Pluto!"

However, Pluto is sniffing near some boxes piled up in an alleyway, away from Donald and Goofy's sight, seeing a young boy slouched up against the wall. His eyes are closed and his head leans forward, exhausted from the recent turn of events.

He licks the boy's face, making the boy wake up, and look about.

"What a dream..." he murmurs before almost falling back asleep.

Pluto bounces his paws off his chest, making the boy wake completely, snapping out of his sleepy state, "ah! This isn't a dream!"

Sora, still shaky from what happened on his island, stands, looking about, "...where am I? Oh, boy..." He bends down, facing Pluto, "do you know where we are?"

In response, Pluto raises a black ear, before running off, leaving poor Sora alone in the alley.

"Hey, wait!" He gives chase for two steps before sighing.

Sora's POV

"This is totally weird..." I murmur to myself as I walk out the alley, "I'm in another world!" I exclaim, then look around, "wait, where's Ane!?" She was with me back in the island! She can't have gone too far!

Unless...did she end up in another world? Will I be able to find her?

Wait, maybe she did land here, but she ended up in a different part of, world. I don't even know where I am...

I'll check another...district I guess...

Walking into the second district, I'm greeted by...a running man? He trips and lands on the floor, a frightened expression displayed across his face, when his...whoa! His heart floats out from his body, and swirls into darkness, before some sort of monster appears! Then it disappears a second later!

What just happened?

I run forward to where the man was laid when around me, the creatures I saw from before surround me, those strange little black things with the glowing yellow eyes!

"It's those creatures from the island!" I exclaim, getting my Keyblade ready.

After exploring and fighting more of those creatures, I make my way back to the first place I landed. I can't find Ane anywhere! What if those things have got her!? I can't bear the thought of her gone!

I can't find Kairi or Riku either!

"They'll come at you out of nowhere," a voice says behind me, making me jump, and spin to face him.

"Who are you?" I question.

"And they'll keep on coming at you," the man continues, stepping out from behind the wall, and acting like he didn't even hear my question, pointing at my key-thingy, "as long as you continue to wield the Keyblade," yeah that-. "But why?" He puts a hand to his head, "why would it chose a kid like you?"

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