10-{I Like Me Better!💘}

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Third Person's Pov!

It had been two weeks since the huge fight between Ishan and Arshita and they were finally back to being best of friends when Shubman had threatened them to talk to each other that day!
Ishan had been in denial of his feelings aal this time as he kept Arshita and Shubman that he had nothing to do with Shriya, but he knew that something was happening to him specially whenever he's hear Shriya.

And as for Shubman he was still trying to find various ways to not let Arshita find out about his feelings but he just couldn't help but everytime find ways to make her smile or happy as right now too, Shubman was driving car as he was headed to Arshita's favourite restaurant to get her some of her favourite dishes as it was sunday and he had nothing better to do, and also the weather showed that it was going to rain today and Arshita always eats her favourite dishes from this restaurant on every first rain of the season! He wanted to go and bring them for her today while she had no idea where he was as she kept calling him.

"Yes Arshu! This is your tenth call in the last half an hour and I'm still driving" He said picking up her call and she huffed, "Where the hell are you Shub? I'm seriously bored to death, even Ishan is not picking up my calls.... Where is he?" she asked and Shubman just shook his head, "Well I'll be back in an hour so please stop calling me.... And did you forgot? Ishan had to go to pick up Shriya as she's coming back from her business trip today, I thought you told him that yourself!"

"Ohhh....I think I really forgot about it....but Ishu didn't! Okay... I won't call now, but please hurry up! I don't feel like being alone today" Arshita said and a small smile came upto his face as he nodded his head to himself and said on the phone, "Aww! You're missing me way too much these days, I'll be there soon! I promise"

"Shut up or you'll get a punch as soon as you come here" She said and Shubman laughed while ending the call not before saying, "I think I have to do something about your punching, or I'll end up in a hospital one day"

Shubman just smiled as he finally reached the restaurant which was much far away, almost on the outskirts of the city but he couldn't help but come here to get these for Arshita because she would never miss a chance to eat from this restaurant, specially on a rainy day!

He immediately went inside and ordered all of her favourite dishes and finally went back on his way as soon as he could before Arshita starts calling him again by every passing minute! Shubman was driving and it had already started raining, "Ohh seriously, it's pouring already?" Shubman murmured while shaking his head but he was still smiling because he had always loved rains, and obviously the reason behind it was Arshita, as she would everytime get fascinated by the weather and Shubman had became known to that feeling now! Rain always reminded him of how much he was in love with his best friend who had absolutely no idea about it!

Meanwhile on the other side Arshita was sitting on the swing in the living room in their lake house alone, as she was lost deep in her thoughts. And all she had on her mind was that she had forgotten that today was the day when Ishan was going to propose to Shriya finally, and he didn't forgot...whereas Ishan hadn't even bothered to discuss anything about it as he had already went to pick up Shriya from the airport earlier today.

Even though Ishan had promised to her that day, that Shriya was never gonna come between them, their friendship, that he had nothing to do with her or wasn't worried for her... But somewhere deep inside Arshita still felt this uneasiness whenever he had to go to Shriya for whatever reason!

"Why is my life so messed up and hard to understand! Why can't I ever think normally! What is wrong with me? Arshita murmured to herself while shaking her head telling herself that Ishan was doing all this for her only!

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