Chapter 1: Kiyotaka Ayanokoji...

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Kiyotaka PoV

Currently I was at a restaurant with a blonde haired woman.

She talked her mouth off while I half-heartedly listened.

Doesn't really matter anyways...

She's already served her purpose.

The woman in front of me sighed in exasperation as she blabbered about her father's issues.

" So Daddy's been in such a bad mood lately because someone stole his toupee pictures or something." She said. " What even? Ugh, I'm so mad." She complained.

Her father was planning something against the westalis. They'd already assassinated one of our dipolmats, and if it weren't for me, the foreign minister would've been exposed for wearing a toupee.

Honestly, it doesn't have to be much of a problem in the first place, but the foreign minister will easily feel humiliated and resign himself from helping the west.

" Hello? Robert, are you even listening?" The girl in front of me asked.

Ah, right.

It's time to dispose of her.

I grabbed the napkin and gently wiped off any food residue from my mouth.

Suddenly, a man nearby had just proposed to his girlfriend. The girl likely said yes but that wasn't worth my attention.

It seemed to catch her attention, though.

She seemed to smile a bit at the sight, likely day dreaming that she and I would also be like that.

" So, Robert....Do you think one day we'll also be-"

" Nope." I said, bluntly.

" Huh?" She looked at me in shock.

" Let's break up, Kei." I said before standing up.

" H-Hey, a-are y-you serious?!" She yelled.

I gave her a look of boredom. " I'm afraid I can't sense any intelligence in your conversations. Simply put, you're boring." I sprayed some hand sanitizer on my hands and quickly rubbed it.

" Also, your perfume is absolutely obnoxious for my nostrils to inhale. I'm suprised I lasted 4 months with you wearing that godforsaken perfume." I said before placing some money on the table, only paying for my meal.

" R-Robert, this isn't funny!" She still seemed to be in denial.

I sighed.

" It's not supposed to be. Anyways, farewell and live a happy life." I lazily bid my goodbyes before picking up my blazer and then leaving the restaurant.

" Robert! You can't do this to me! Hey! Come back!" I heard her calls but simply ignored them.

Sorry Kei, but I have no further use of your family.

You did well in exposing confidential information from your father.


I walked in the lonely alleyway. I took a quick read at the files I have stolen, and after quickly checking it, I chucked it towards the bin with burning fire.

I took off my glasses.

As of tonight, I am now officially done with the mask known as ' Robert'.

Hm, thinking back to what Kei may had been suggesting....

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