Chapter 4: Till death do us part!

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Third Person PoV

' She sensed my gaze? Interesting...' Kiyotaka thought as he began making up a good response.

" Sorry, miss. You were just so unbelievably pretty and I couldn't help but stare. I apologize if it made you uncomfortable." Kiyotaka said, placing a hand on his chest.

" Oh my~ I'm flattered, dear sir." She laughed.

' His sounds familiar....' She thought. She was genuinely suprised to hear his monotone voice but she didn't dare show her suprise.

Kiyotaka offers his hand for a handshake, " My name is Karter Shiro. Pleasure to meet you."

Ichika accepts the handshake, " Ichika Amasawa."

' Ichika Amasawa, 27 years old, no record of marriage and no family background either. She works as a public servant and  has a clean record....' Kiyotaka recalled her profile.

'...But there's something strange about her. I'm always on my guard and I doubt I'm getting soft, but she managed to casually walk behind me without me noticing.'

' And another strange thing.....her sounds familiar but I can't seem to put my finger on it. '

" Mr. Karter?" She called me.

" Hm?" I snapped out of my thoughts.

" Mind letting go of my hand now? " She pointed down to our joined hands.

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