Chapter 2: Anya....

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Part 2!

Third Person PoV

" Now listen here, Anya." Kiyotaka said as he looks down at the little girl.

" Starting today, you will be my daughter, but if anyone asks, inform them that you've always been my daughter." He instructed.

Anya nods.

" And also, please refer to me as your ' Father' from now on." He added.

" Papa!" She chose another term.

" Hm, that works." Kiyotaka decided to accept that.


" Well, aren't you a cute little girl? Hello there." A kind old lady who lived next door greeted Kiyotaka and Anya.

" We're the Shiro family, we just moved here." Kiyotaka introduced.

" I am Anya. I have been papa's child for a very long time." Anya also( unnecessarily) added.

" Eh?" The old lady looked confused by Anya's wording while Kiyotaka inwardly sighed.

' You didn't need to say that....' He thought.

' Eh? But papa, you said that I should tell them that I've been your child for a long time.....did Anya do something wrong? ' Anya wondered.

Kiyotaka broke the silence, " Well, anyways, let's go inside now, Anya." He said.

Anya nods and follows Kiyotaka to the single-family apartment room.

" This will be Anya's house?" She asked, filled with excitement.

" Yes." Kiyotaka replied.

Anya's gaze immediately landed towards the television and she'd immediately run up to it,

" a TV!"

" Go turn it on." Kiyotaka said as he closes the door.

Anya turned on the TV and her favorite show popped up, she looked at Kiyotaka and pointed to the screen,

" My favorite show is on!" She said before turning her attention back towards the TV.

" Spy Wars, an adventure cartoon!" The show introduced.

' Of all's a spy show, huh. Coincidences sure are freaky....' He thought, a little amused by that.

" Gun with a silencer!"

" Waku Waku!" Anya seemed really excited.

' Hm, I need to go out and gather a few things, mainly her new forged ID. And I should buy some groceries too.' Kiyotaka thought.

" I'll be heading out for a bit." Kiyotaka informed her as he heads towards the door. " Just sit there and watch your sho-"

" Adventure!" Anya chirped and latched onto Kiyotaka's leg.

"Hey...." He looks down at her. " I'm not going on an adventure, I'm just going shopping." He told her.

He tries to shake her off his leg but she clung on it tightly as if her life depended on it.

Eventually, Kiyotaka sighs and allows her to come with him.


" Anya wants a pistol with a silencer!" Anya said as she ran ahead of Kiyotaka.

" The one from your show? Sure, we'll try to find one on sale." Kiyotaka replied.

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