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Flitwick's Charms class & Sprout's Herbology made Alice grin a little, especially when she had to wear those earmuffs for the mandrake's screeching voice. But nothing could top what happened when Transfiguration class with Minerva McGonagall turned into something quite different.

Professor McGonagall marched into the room, her wand already in her hand, and with a swift motion, her tall hat was removed and placed on her desk, revealing her neatly made bun.

"That will do," she said, and silence fell immediately. "Mr. Finnigan, kindly come here and hand back the homework — Miss Brown, please take this box of mice — don't be silly, girl, they won't hurt you — and hand one to each student —"

Seamus handed back the essays; Alice took hers without looking at him and saw, to her relief, that she had managed an A. McGonagall's class wasn't easy and surely her late-night studying did help quite a lot in getting that mark. Alice turned her gaze to Luna who sat to her right, calm as always. Her long blond locks, falling down her shoulders, and in her hand, she was holding a quill of a colourful bird that Alice couldn't recognize but admired nevertheless. Luna had stuck her wand behind her left ear even if McGonagall would surely ask her to remove it soon enough. Her necklace of Butterbeer caps glimmered against the morning sun that pierced through the large windows. Alice couldn't help but admit how much she marveled at her friend's standout style and unapologetic uniqueness.

Luna sensed her friend's gaze and glanced back at Alice who raised her parchment just enough for Luna to see the grade. Her silvery eyes beamed cheerfully, and she raised her own essay for Alice to see as well. She, too, had managed the same grade.

"Right then, everyone, listen closely —" Mc Gonagall's voice drew their attention again. "Dean Thomas, if you do that to the mouse again I shall put you in detention — most of you have now successfully vanished your toads & snails and even those who were left with a certain amount of shell have the gist of the spell. Today we shall be —" but she didn't manage to finish her sentence as a muffled sound of an explosion sounded just as Seamus accidentally sat atop his wand that was left on his chair before he had started to hand over the students' essays.

"Seamus, good heavens, what happened?" the Scottish witch inquired astonished as the wand had fired the explosive spell right into the lower half of Longbottom's trousers.

"Why is it always ME?" Longbottom whimpered looking at the damage made and his socks that still fumed with smoke, half-burned.

Draco burst into a laugh as a smell akin to that of a roasted chicken surrounded Longbottom. His skin was luckily unharmed, but the same could not be said for the few hairs his legs used to sport.

But Draco's laugh didn't last long, as Minerva glared at him. She needed not a word to get the message across and the platinum blond-haired boy swallowed his laugh. The tall witch arched her eyebrow for a moment and then addressed the class again.

"As I was saying, the Vanishing Spell becomes more difficult with the complexity of the animal to be vanished. The snail, as an invertebrate, does not present much of a challenge; the mouse, as a mammal, offers a much greater one. This is not, therefore, magic you can accomplish with your mind on your dinner. So — you know the incantation, let me see what you can do. . . We shall be transfiguring mice into whomping willow branches. Small ones, of course."

Alice watched each student perform the spell on a mouse, just as the professor was instructing them to. She wondered if the transfiguration caused panic to the creature that was subjected to it, but McGonagall's certainty and profound calmness on the matter was assuring enough.

"It would be best if you stood before attempting the spell", she proclaimed and with the motion of her hands, each student stood for their attempt. Alice suppressed a little giggle assuming that one of the reasons why the professor wanted them to stand on a certain spot to cast the spell, was a matter of safety, especially when considering Seamus and poor Longbottom who was still trying to fix his damaged trousers and socks. Neville was oftentimes made a laughingstock during class, but the truth was Alice felt there was a lot more to the kind buck-toothed, round-faced boy than just accidental spells and pranks pulled on him. He had a keen mind and she had appreciated that, though not in the same house as Alice, he offered her his notes on Herbology when she couldn't figure out the process of caring for a Venomous Tentacula without having trouble with it. Longbottom had handed her his own notes and assured her that, should the Venomous Tentacula seize her unexpectedly from behind, she was allowed to swear loudly. In return, Alice had offered him her own earmuffs so that he doesn't pass out again the next time he had to handle the loud little mandrakes.

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