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*.·:·.☽ ✧ ☾.·:·.*

"What is it that you are afraid of, Alice?"

"Myself— I think..."

"You think?" he arched an inquisitive brow, the knuckles of his index following the line of her jaw.

"Yes. Of the things that might happen if I let it free."

"And what could such things be?"

"Murder," she voiced softly, hoisting her dark eyes to his. "Violence. Pain. I'm afraid I will lose myself if the beast comes out." Severus held her gaze but his dark pools harboured a perplexing calmness. Pensiveness, perhaps.

"There is much to be learnt from the beasts, Alice. Not all are in seek of blood." He turned slightly, placing the glass of elf wine aside.

"Mine is," something broke in her voice.

"I think not," the rough velvety sound came out of his lungs. He pondered on something. Moved his jaw ever slightly as if tasting the idea in his mouth before speaking it. Alice's eyes still upon him. Fixed, warm, and ever deep.

"You've seen what it did. What had happened in that alley two years ago..." said she, softly.

"I've seen it defend you," said Severus. "Or -perhaps- avenge your lost companion. But there might be a side to it you are unaware of."

Alice remained silent, waiting for the Potions Master to voice his thoughts, as worry coiled in her stomach.

"Perhaps, if we are to truly discover the nature of your form, we should...let it... come out".

"No," said she, "we tried that already. It doesn't work. It never did."

"I attempted to force it out of you," he said in almost a whisper. "It was unsuccessful for I should never had tried to force it," his dark pools found her glimmering beads again. "It is to be set free, not forced out like a chained circus beast."

She gulped, heart picking up pace, but not in the loving, enthralling way her heart raced for his touch. No, this was a pace of worry. But Severus moved slowly, surely. Lending her the courage she lacked as he strode towards the raven-haired witch and put out his hand.

Alice hesitated. Her eyes flicked between his offered hand and his dark pools. Slowly, uncertain at first, she placed her hand in his. Severus's fingers curled around her slender ones, and he lifted her from the chair, holding her hand and guiding her towards the door. He stepped backwards, holding her gaze in his, and turned solely when they reached the spiral staircases.

Her hand nested in his large palm, Severus's warmth radiating from his assuring touch, the rim if his long sleeve grazing against her wrist. His cloak dragged behind him like a shadow everlasting. His ebony tresses curtaining his sharp features, kissed by the flickering light of candles, and the fierce caress of a torch lit upon the wall.

She let him lead her, didn't question his action until the cold night air blew against her skin, and Severus turned on his heel. His cloak swishing softly.

"I believe you had dropped this some days ago?" he pulled out of his sleeve a wand, and in the soft light, Alice recognized an old friend.

"My wand!"

"Indeed," said he with curl upon his lips, ever soft. "But"—he gently demanded her attention as she took her wand— "you will not be in need of it tonight."

Questioning eyes sought answers in his. Severus took out his wand and stepped closer. Close enough for them to almost touch.

When Alice's lips parted, uncertainty mingled with want. "Is this a lesson, sir?"

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