41. WAR

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A/N: Fair warning, my darlings, this is a battle chapter, and -like a battle- has a few grim details. I do not promote violence in any way. This is Fantasy and Fiction. As always, this is a dark tale, so grab a teddy or a pillow, get ready, and let's kick some Death Eater backside!

Shoutout to the very dear, and very talented @EtherealTrail for creating this beautiful picture that couldn't possibly be a better match for the start of this story's finale!

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"Wait!" Aberforth's grip took hold of the witch's arm, the wry grey eyes flashed warningly. "The boy and the other two went through that door," he nodded towards the portrait above the fireplace.

"They are alive," Alice breathed out, but the flare of hope in her dark eyes died out too soon. "Let me pass, Abertforth— I need to be there he— he doesn't know".

"Harry Potter is well aware that Death Eaters have established themselves in Hogwarts, Wolfwind. Longbottom came to greet him and his companions before leading them in there".

Her brows knitted; her mind had spoken of another's oblivion, not of Harry's.

"How long ago did that happen?" she questioned.

"Two hours, maybe more— hadn't you been running after those blasted dragons and the scums who hunted them, you would have spoken to the boy yourself. Though I doubt you of all people would talk some sense to him."

Alice shot him a dark glare but did not respond to his words. Her lips pursed; she needed Aberforth to provide her with both the passage to Hogwarts and a place to stay hidden. And now was not the time to challenge his beliefs of her.

"You never listen to me, lass, but this time I warn you— stay away." He could read in her eyes that the witch didn't heed his words. And he held both her shoulders with his hands.

"I must warn him," Alice bit the words out but Aberforth's grip was that of steel.

"I told him," he gritted in almost a whisper. "I told him the Death Eaters know that he came to Hogsmeade— no doubt the Headmaster and his henchmen are waiting for them."

But Snape cannot know that Harry sneaked into the castle. Her heart pounded in her chest and her eyes darted to the half-opened window as the ominous darkness of the night settled outside and the cold air foreshadowed what would follow.

*.·:·.☽ ✧ ☾.·:·.*

Measured, steady steps. Order and fear. Streams of students, no different than soldiers of molten lead poured into the mould of the Death Eaters merciless instructions. The Carrows watched as the students found their way into the Great Hall. There, they stood still, waiting beneath the watchful, vulture-like gaze of the two siblings.

"Snape knows," the whisper had echoed moments before. And soon, his dark, cloaked figure appeared, marching steadily through the parted crowd of questioning, worried eyes.

Inky black pools glared silently at the Carrows. They took a step back, like obeying hounds to their master, their tails between their legs. They enjoyed tormenting youngsters but they were not foolish enough to challenge the dark wizard who turned on his heel and his inky eyes now gazed upon the gathered students. He hid his hands into the pockets of his coat, his back turned rigid, and then, his thin lips parted and the deep murmur, equally suggestive of honey and a blade of steel, filled the room without ever the need of raising his voice to command utmost attention.

"Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour..." He took his time between his words, letting every syllable sink and seep into the minds of all. "It's come to my attention that earlier this evening, Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade."

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