Part 2 - peek a boo

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Y/n pov

I walk away infuriated from the guy. Like who does he think he is? Fucking god or something?

While walking to my last period before lunch a girl with blonde shoulder length hair stops me. She was really tall, probably taller than any other girl I've seen, her face had a smirk on it—not a bad one, just an amused one.

"Hey your the new girl right?" She asked. I nodded and leaned against a locker. "You sing?" Which I nodded to again. "How would you feel if you joined our band?" She asked enthusiastically. "Yeah sure! When do we meet?" I answered. "After school today be there." She said walking away

In all honesty, I was shocked. My first day wasn't even done and I've already became friends with people AND I'm going to be introduced to even more people soon.

—time skip to lunch—-

I enter the lunch room and look around to find a table. I could easily pick apart each group, the jocks near the doors, popular girls next to the jocks, outcasts in the back, 'nerds' next to the lunch line and one that stood out to me, the group of 'losers'. I walk over to them and start talking to Richie.

"Funny, I didn't know you were in my lunch wave trash mouth " I said to him while laughing. "Yeah lucky aren't you?" He said with a smirk. I playfully roll my eyes at his demeanor

"Yaknow, you can sit down if you want" Richie said motioning to the empty seat next to him.

I sit down next to Richie and a boy with curly hair and Richie started talking

"Okay so this is Eddie" Richie said while the short boy— Eddie waved. "Beverly and bill" and pointed at a shy boy and ginger girl. "Ben and Stan the man". Stan smiled at me then Richie started talking again "you already know me hot stuff". "Don't call me that Richie" I said as elbowing him

Throughout lunch they told me about themselves and I couldn't help but notice two of the boys staring at me every once in a while. One being the shy boy who I found out has a stutter and the boy with curly hair who I also found out is Jewish. I got lost in thought when I heard the bell ring and I told them I had to get going to my next classes.

"I-i can w-w-walk you to your n-next class" the boy who's name was bill said to me. "Sure! Plus this is a big school I have no idea where anything is" I said chuckling and waving bye to the group. In class I sat near the back with bill a two rows ahead of me. I was zoning out when I noticed a note fall onto my desk.

Here is the groups home numbers just in case :)

I write a note back saying,

I'll call you later on then! BTW you have really nice handwriting


I pass him the note and he gives me a thumbs up and I swore I could see blush

  —-time skip after school—-

I walk to the band room just a few minutes before I was told to so I could meet the band. The girl I met today Whos name is dawn told me about everybody, what I remember is that dawn is the guitarist, evie is the pianist, Aaron is the drummer, Dane is the bassist and I was the new vocalist. After practice I left the school and started riding my bike home.

A few minutes into the ride and almost home I notice a figure behind a street lamp and I stop biking. I blinked and noticed it was gone then again I blinked it was at a closer lamp then again and again until I made up my mind to bike the other way. After a few minutes of biking I went up to a house and knocked on it repeatedly when I saw Stan open the door with wide eyes.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asked confused "I- uh- I just feel like I'm being followed right now" I said quietly as he opened the door and let me in. That's when I remembered I was suppose to be home 10 minutes ago and Steve was probably terrified right now.

"Shit can I use your phone?" I asked him as he nodded and walked me over to the phone. I dialed our house phone number and it answered after one ring. I explained to Steve about the situation and he said he would pick me up.

"Can I get you anything?" Stan asked. "Do you have any water?" I asked. He nodded and got me a glass of water. We stood there silently for a minute until he spoke up. "um do you want to see something y/n?" He asked me. "Sure what it is?" I replied. He got out a Polaroid camera and handed it to me. "Holy shit this is the brand new model" I said in awe. "Yeah although I usually only take pictures of birds I plan on using it more over summer break." He told me. "Want us to take a test run photo?" "Yea that would be nice thank you". We posed for the picture of us with our hands around each others shoulders. "Cute picture here now we have two that we can both keep" I smiled and handed him one. I noticed a small blush on his cheeks snd I felt the heat on mine rising

I heard Steve's car pull up and Stan walked me outside. "Hey you could pick up your bike tomorrow and maybe we could bike to school together?" He asked. "Yeah I'd like that thank you!" I said running to the car. "Bye Stan!".

Once I got home steve started interrogating me. "So that boy Stan is he a school friend?" "Mhm" "do you like him" He asked sternly. "STEVE NO!" I yelled. "Fine fine just making sure" he rolled his eyes. I walked upstairs and took a shower then got dressed into a band Tee and short shorts. I then remembered what I said to bill about calling him. I hurried and grabbed the phone and dialed his number. Finally he answered me.

"Hey y/n w-w-why didnt you c-call me earlier?" He asked. "Sorry I got caught up at stans house and I forgot about calling you." I said to him. "Stan?" "Oh yeah long story short I was being followed and he helped me." "Oh okay?" He said kinda confused.

"The forest behind my house is so pretty" I said sighing. "Oh I k-know" he said. "Wait how do you know what it looks like?" I asked very confused. "L-look out y-your window" he said chuckling. I looked outside and saw him waving towards me. I hung up the phone and opened my window. "Hey I didn't know you were my neighbor!" I yelled to him. "Just f-f-found out y-y-yesterday" he said chuckling. "Well I should be getting some rest now billy bill cya tomorrow!" I yelled over to him closing my window snd the shades.

That night I fell asleep with a smile on my face

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