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TW: violence and gore 


I my god I'm so lonely I 

"So just how bad was the future?" I take a sip of this 'latte'. It tastes like dirt and crème. The unfamiliar taste lingers on my tongue, burning my mouth. The shop has been emptied out of all of its customers except for three. 

Outside, there are little street lights. Just a flickering one directly outside the door. 

Five lets out a slow breath, drinking his pitch black coffee. He doesn't say anything. The man sitting on the other side of Five has started listening to our conversation, but is pretending not to be eavesdropping. 

"Picture this," Five places the cup down. "We're all dead." 

I can hear the sound of blood rushing into my ears. "What? How far into the future did you go, Five?" 

He takes another drink. "I need something stronger." Pauses again. "Nine days from today." His voice gets quieter. "The world is supposed to end nine days from today." 

The man besides us looks again. Gets up, walks out. 

It's quiet in Griddy's Donuts. "We all die." Five repeats. 

Behind us, I can hear the sounds of footsteps. They're quiet footsteps, but I can hear the soft padding of military boots on the ground. At least six or seven. 

Five doesn't appear bothered by this, but I can tell he's noticed by the way his eyes flick to the nearest reflective surface. He calmly puts his cup down, glances at me with the most even expression. 

The six or seven men are all armed with various guns. Their uniforms are pitch black. 

"Y/N, take my hand, please." 

"You don't belong here," One of the men says gruffly. I don't know if he's talking to me or Five. The men simultaneously pull out guns, pointing them at Five's head. Five slips his hand into mine. 

"Is that supposed to be a joke?" He asks with an air of exasperation. His free hand moves towards the butter knife on the counter. I can hear his brain flicking over the different possibilities. Feel the fear radiating off of three of the men, including the one talking to Five. 

"Look, this doesn't have to get messy," the man starts. 

Five laughs, finally swiveling around to survey them. I was right. Seven men stand in front of us. 

"You didn't bring enough men for messy," he smirks. The men stare at him with confusion. Turn their gaze on me. 

"Holy shit..." one of them takes a step back. "That's—that's Y/N Hargreeves." A couple of men still hold their ground, but most of them are unnerved. 

I can feel the fear increase to all of them. Crawl up their backs.

"Y/N, would you take this, love? Or do you want me to do it?" inquires Five. His eyes meet mine. There is not an inch of fear in him. 

I haven't used my powers in a long time. I usually prefer to shove them in a box and hide them in a basement, but it isn't a bad idea to take them for a test drive. The hand that isn't gripping Five's clenches in my lap. 

I close my eyes, taking a breath. The men aim their guns. 

My eyes open, completely dilated pupils. 


The air grows cold, and frost begins to spiral on the windows. I release the breath I am holding, watch the tiny flecks of black slowly grow around the men. 

They shoot at it, beginning to panic. It spreads over them, spiderwebbing them until they cry out in fear. I can see the black veins on their arms—their fear becoming visible. Shoot themselves and each other. 

Five doesn't even have to lift a finger. 

They do all the work themselves. Destroying each other. It takes ten seconds, and then they are all dead. There is a heap of blood all over the floor. Piles of separated body parts, strewn on the linoleum. My head feels fuzzy.

I wish it wasn't a good feeling. 

A scream from behind us as Agnes walks out to see the damage. She cowers immediately, ducking behind the counter. I hear her scramble away, hear the back door open and close. 

"Sorry Agnes," I whisper. Five puts the unused butter knife down but does not let go of my hand. 

My head is reeling. I could kill again. I could kill more people. I feel my pupils dilate again. The feeling is taking over. I crave the high of using my powers so much I could let it take over. Let the monster free to kill more. 

"Y/N," Five's voice is quiet, but it's there. He's there. He doesn't let go of my hand. I could kill him too. It would be so easy. 

"Stop, stop, you have to get away from me," I close my eyes, turning my head away from him. "Five, please, please. Listen to me." 

"No, you listen to me," he says. "I'm not going anywhere, okay?" 

"I can't, I can't. I can't control it," I feel like I'm shaking, being torn apart from all sides. Like my body has decided to try and destroy itself. 

"Deep breaths," he takes my other hand. Squeezes tightly. "Look at me." 

Slowly. Breathe in and out. Relax limbs. He gently lets go of one of my hands, to turn my chin to face him. 

"Open your eyes, love." 

I do. 

Jade eyes stare back at me. He looks so familiar. I wish I could feel safe. It's hard to feel safe yourself when you worry about other peoples safety all the time. 

Deep breath in and out. 

"It's okay," Five whispers. He blinks us outside the restaurant. "I still trust you, you know." 

"You don't understand," I breathe. "I could still hurt you." 

"You haven't yet," Five points out. He rubs my arms. "Are you cold?" I shake my head. I just killed seven people in ten seconds. I'm not cold. I am just numb. "You okay with one more trip for tonight?" 

I nod. 

I die for you I five hargreeves x readerWhere stories live. Discover now