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(so Five and Y/N are physically aged up by the end of the chapter to 16-17. I feel like this might um help the plot somewhat if you get my drift

I in the middle of the night I 

"Fix it yourself," I snap, cheeks flushed bright red. I scramble off him, accidentally knocking over half a bottle of antiseptic lotion onto the floor. Pick it up. Don't look at Five. I mentally punch myself for being so stupid. 

Five smirks. "It's better when you do it." He clams up immediately, leaning his head against the pillow. A thin layer of sweat covers his neck. "God. Y/N, I need to sleep." But now I want to know what he meant. "Sorry. I didn't mean to—" he cuts himself off, shaking his head. Closes his mouth. Swallows again. 

I narrow my eyes. There's something he's definitely not telling me. It's easy to tell when someone's hiding something. There's a twitch in the eye, twisting of the hands. 

Embarrassment and guilt come right behind fear. Fear of being caught, or being in the center of attention. Five usually doesn't exhibit this type of behavior. 

It's slightly disconcerting, but nearly humanizes him in a way. He's not a god, or a powerful time traveler. He's old at heart, but his soft core for his family makes him young in a way. I forget he grew up in isolation too. Just like me. 

"Okay." This is all I say for now. I brush off my own feelings, hiding them in a tiny box that is wrapped tightly inside a mountain of my own problems. Romance doesn't come in a time when the world is going to end. It is not a time for fooling around or making mistakes. 

I'll pretend for as long as I can that I don't harbor secret feelings, under all the madness. The chaos in my brain can be too loud, blocking out any emotions. 

"Thank you," he breathes, closing his eyes. Without missing a beat— "I think I have a way for us to get back to our normal age. Physically." His green eyes flicker open again. "You'd be 28 now, since your last birthday was a few months ago." 

I do the calculations. He's right. "I guess." I stare down at my hands. "Is it so bad to look thirteen?" 

Five's mood switches immediately. His eyebrows furrow and he gets a tiny crinkle in his dimples as he thinks. As if thinking turns him serious again. I can't say I prefer flirty Five, but it is somewhat intimidating to have to speak to business Five again. 

"It's easier to get things done in the precious time we have if we don't look like teenagers," Five answers evenly. He winces as he sits up, swiveling his legs over the edge of the couch. He presses a hand to his stomach. Thankfully, no blood seeps through the fresh bandage. 

Klaus has yet to return. 

The sky is dark outside. It was early when we went to the eye-making company and now it is nearly midnight. The room is lit by a small lamp, and Vanya still hasn't come back to her apartment. 

I don't answer Five's logic. Instead, I pick up a few of the stray used bandages and put them into the nearby garbage can. Five lets out a tiny scoff at my attempt at cleanliness. 

"Come here, Y/N," he holds out his hand. "It's now or never," he grimaces, brushing off the pain from his bullet wound. 

"Oh, you meant right now," I wrap my arms around myself consciously.  I don't know if I want to look my physical age. Although, it might be a better disguise. "Fine." I hesitate. "Are you sure you're well enough for this--" 

"I'm fine," Five insists, taking my hand. A tiny spark of blue light emits from his hands and he closes his eyes with concentration. The light glows brighter until it envelops the both of us. I feel a burning sensation in my chest as the light covers both of us. It feels like I'm trapped in time. And then it stops. 

Five's eyelashes are fluttering and he lays back, clenching his fists. His breathing increases rapidly as he tries to catch his breath. 

"Five, are you okay?" My voice sounds different. I don't sound thirteen anymore, and Five doesn't look thirteen anymore. He doesn't look old though. My eyes widen as I notice the subtle differences. He's taller. His face is slightly more angled. I don't think he aged quite enough to be an adult. 

"Shit," Five mutters to himself, eyes still closed. His voice is different too. Deeper. "I. Can't. Do. It." He only brought our physical age forward a few years. 

I feel different too. Not so much emotional maturity. I glance down. I look different. More like a normal teenager. My hands are still pale and slender, but they don't have the same ghostly texture.  As for the rest of me--

"Y/N," Five's eyes are open. He stares unabashedly, eyes traveling slowly over me. "You look...different." 

I don't say anything. Stand up and walk over to the bathroom. Vanya only has one full length mirror on one side of the room. I stare at myself. I've definitely filled out more as a--sixteen, seventeen year old? I'm not sure. 

I'm not as small and gangly. I don't look like I'm only made up of bones. I run my hands over my hips, where they don't jut out any more. My face is only subtly different, more full. High cheekbones. Less starved. My clothes don't hang off my body anymore either. They fit tightly over curves I didn't have two minutes ago. 

I tip my head to the side as Five limps in. He doesn't smile, but he isn't unhappy. His eyes are wide, but they somehow look more innocent. Still not child-like but less serious. The bandage is wrapped tightly around his stomach and he's only wearing an undershirt. 

"That didn't go as planned," I run a hand through my hair. Turn to the side to look from a new angle. 

Five clears his throat, swallowing hard. "No. I guess not. But it's fine." he avoids looking directly at me. 

"Are you okay?" I ask. The change in his behavior is obvious. He stands awkwardly by the door frame, leaning against the wood. "You're acting weird." 

Five shuffles uncomfortably. "I'm fine. I guess it's just because--" 

The front door opens, revealing Klaus and Vanya. She does not look pleased. Klaus's eyes widen when he sees the two of us. 

"Holy-y-y-y," Klaus whistles. "You guys grew up fast." he tut tuts at me. "We're going to have to go shopping again." He claps. "Biggest accomplishment of the year! Going through puberty in two hours!" 

I blink. "What's puberty?" 

I die for you I five hargreeves x readerWhere stories live. Discover now