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I as the hours pass I 

Five mulls over the story in a slow way, drawing out only the important parts. I can tell he is editing as he goes, taking out the difficult parts, the memories that are too painful to recap. His voice is the same even tone as he continues. 

"If you grew old there, then why do you look the same as when you left?" a confused look spreads over Vanya's face. 

"I told you, I must have got the equations wrong," Five answers, sighing. "Time travel is a crapshoot. I mean, Dad used to say that time travel could mess up your mind..." 

"Maybe that's what's happening." Vanya suggests, only to receive a glare from the green eyed boy. 

It is getting entirely too late to be awake. I yawn. 

Five's eyes snap to mine. "This was a mistake," He turns to Vanya. "You're too young, too naïve to understand--" 

"Five, wait," Vanya says. "I haven't seen you in a long time--either of you, and I don't want to lose you both again. It's getting late, and I have lessons in the morning. I need to get some rest, and I'm sure you do too." She sets out two blankets on the couch. "We'll talk in the morning, okay?" 

Five grits his teeth, but he nods finally. Thank god. I tuck under one of the blankets, waiting for Five to do the same. But apparently, the boy has other plans. 

"Y/N, we have to go," he mutters under his breath. "Back to the academy." Five's eyes meet mine again. "I have a new lead." 

I pull the covers over my face. "I'm just going to stay here." I yawn again. "Why can't we get some sleep and do this in the morning?" 

His expression softens, then hardens again. It looks like he's having an internal battle with himself. 

"I'd rather you came with me," he blinks. "Just incase something happens." 

So he wants to try to protect me. 

"With all due respect, Five, I think I can take care of myself," I mumble from underneath the blankets. Sleep pulls at my eyelids, threatening to take over. 

I expect him to argue further. "I'll see  you in the morning, okay, love?" He pauses in the doorframe for a quick second. 

"Stay." I whisper, but it's too late. He's already out the door, following whatever lead he has that might possibly stop the end of the world. 

Dawn breaks seemingly two minutes after I fell asleep. Light peaks through the small windows of Vanya's apartment, slowly prying my eyelids open. The room is quiet, unlike the mental institution. Suddenly, I wonder if they will return for me. Maybe they don't care. That wouldn't be surprising. 

"Morning," Vanya says as she slips quietly into the room. She is holding two cups of coffee. Or tea. "Where's Five?" 

I shrug. "He left last night." 

Vanya's face falls with disappointment. "Oh. I made coffee for him. Black, the way he likes it." 

"Black like his soul," I mutter, leaning back on the couch. I don't mean this. 

Vanya's eyebrows raise ever so slightly. "Was that a joke?" 

"I guess." 

 "Do you want a ride back to the academy?" Vanya offers. 

"That's okay," I get up, brushing hair out of my eyes. "See you later, Vanya." 


I pause. "I did miss you, you know," she says. "when you were gone." 

I turn around. 

"I missed you too." 

The streets are crowded for this early in the morning. I attempt to sense Five's presence, but as usual, he is not feeling any fear. This makes him nearly impossible to track. 

The academy looms in front of me. I don't want to go back in, due to the fact that Luther is still hanging around. He is probably trying to figure out who killed Dad. Honestly, I wish I could've taken credit for that. It was a brilliant idea. My deepest thanks to whoever did him in. 

The urge to use my powers gnaws at my chest while people pass me on the street but this--this is not an option. 

"Are you coming in?" Klaus's voice says from behind me. He's dressed rather extravagantly. In one of his most flashy outfits yet. "Your boyfriend came here earlier, demanding the most crazy, maniacal favour from me," Klaus sighs dramatically. 


"Five, of course," Klaus says, as though this is obvious. "Are you two not--" He makes a strange gesture that I don't completely understand. Klaus's eyes widen and his mouth drops open. "Holy shit, you don't know what that means, do you?" 

I glare. "Of course I do." 

He cackles. "You little liar." My glare is enough to shut him up. "But tell me you've had the talk." 

"The talk?" I raise an eyebrow. Is that some kind of speech about relationships. 

"Y/N, where do babies come from?" asks Klaus just as Five opens the door of the Umbrella academy. Five blinks with momentary confusion, sipping on a cup of alcohol I assume. 

I think about Klaus's question. 

Klaus claps his hands. "Oh my god this is great!" he giggles, doing a tiny jig. "Oh boy, Five! You're going to have to give her the talk!" 

What the hell is the talk

"Klaus, no," Five grits his teeth. "Can both of you get your asses inside? We have important shit to deal with and there's no time for this nonsense." 

I roll my eyes. "I'm sorry for being incompetent." 

Five sighs. "That's not what I meant." 

Klaus is still laughing. "she doesn't know what sex is.

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