boyfriend has some dating issues lmfaoOJKDWGkjHkjehqwf

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boyfriend was at the bar, and was trying to drown his sorrows yet again. "what'll it be, mate?" said the bartender, lazily polishing a glass. for some reason he didn't even ask for his id, though he looked like a fetus.

"whatever you got," he said, losing the will to even beep and boop anymore (thank god, its so fucking annoying.) he paid the guy, and then sat with his head on the table, only lifting his head up to take a shot.

"here's yer shot of montenegro, mate." the guy muttered, and headed across to serve some more customers.

after a few minutes had passed, boyfriend felt like he needed another drink. he signalled the bartender when suddenly, a guy sat down on the bar stool next to him.

it was his highschool friend, crash.

"hey man, are you good?" he asked, putting his head level with boyfriend's.

all boyfriend could do was grunt. he didn't even care that he was here. after girlfriend left him for coming out as bisexual, he had lost the will to go on.

"i've seen you here a lot lately, and, well, you don't seem okay."

boyfriend sat up a bit, and leaned on his elbow while looking at him. "i'm fine, crash. nothin' you need to know. just some, uh, girlfriend issues. yeah, that's it." he turned away and downed his second shot of the night.

the bandicoot's eyes softened.

"i saw her post. i'm really sorry, boyfriend." he chose not to mention her biphobic rant.

there was silence for a moment, the only noises being background chatter, singing and the clinking of glasses.

"she kicked me out of my own house, too." boyfriend said, sighing.

"fuckin' what? she can do that?!


"what a bitch," the bandicoot muttered.

they chatted for about an hour and a half more, swapping stories and cheering up a little.

"god, sounds like it was best for you to leave her," crash said. "by the way, have you found any places to stay?"

"well, not yet. i've just been sleeping on a spare mattress in my- well, "girlfriend's" house until i can find somewhere," he replied, turning his seat to face crash more.

"uhm, ever since my girl tawna left me (partly for being pansexual), i've had a spare bedroom available. y-y'know, if you need a place to stay for a bit." crash turned away, wondering if his childhood best friend (and crush) would accept. ever since he had asked boyfriend out a few years ago, and he had rejected him, things had been different. he was glad it hand't ruined anything, but...

crash's feelings had never really gone away.

crash bandicoot x boyfriend (fnf)Where stories live. Discover now