boyfriend catches feelinngs?!

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"crash, are ya sure you'd let me stay with you?" he said nervously. "tawna might have some second thoughts, and if she comes back to you and sees me there... well... you probably know the rumours she'd spread about us."

"oh, forget about tawna!" crash chuckled, shaking his head. "she's not worth anything to me any more. you're my friend, right? you're way more important to me than some whore who cheated on me with remy the rat."

"wow. she certainly doesn't deserve you if she want after remy," boyfriend said, wrinkling up the part of his face where if nose would be if he wasn't designed like a L.O.L surprise doll.

"you're so right!" crash said. "i've been trying to work on my self-confidence lately. you're a pretty good help."

boyfriend watched crash brush his hair away from his kawaii desu eyes and felt a small soft feeling spreading out from his heart. the bar lights were catching in his fur, creating orange-gold highlights that made him look picture-perfect.

not to mention.... handsome?!

no. no, no, NO. he was just upset about girlfriend, nothing more. he missed her, that's all.


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