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crash slammed his fist down on the kitchen table, making boyfriend jump.

"huh? what's up crash?" boyfriend asked, still trying to calm his racing mind at the thought of sharing a bed with his friend. he didn't want to creep him out though, so he just sat and tried to look as neutral and unflustered as possible. "they... uh... out of 'em or something?"

"of COURSE they're having a shortage on beds. apparently remy and his kids stole the rest of the stock, they're on the run as we speak." crash put his head in his hands, looking exasperated. "i'm really sorry, dude. it looks like we might be sharing for a while. at least a week."

"d-don't worry about it," boyfriend replied, fighting his blush. "you're the one giving me a place to stay, anyway!"

"it's the least i could do for you," crash said.

boyfriend found himself staring into crash's eyes, him staring back. he looked into the deep forest green of his irises and felt himself almost being pulled towards him....

and before they knew it, suddenly they were kissing.

it was a desperate sort of kiss, one that didn't last for nearly as long as either would have liked it to. boyfriend realised what was happening and pushed apart, rolling over and shoving two pillows over his head.

"holy shit. holy shit. holy SHIT."

his face was so red it was almost glowing, obscured only by the two pillows he had grabbed just in time to hide his embarrassment.

"fuck; i'm so sorry, crash- i didn't know what i was doing-" he mumbled, his strained voice muffled slightly.

"i'm not mad...," crash said, struggling to find words. "i just... why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"w-well..." boyfriend took a deep breath. "remember when i rejected you?"

"yes," crash mumbled, and turned away. he remembered it all too well.

"i- i rejected you because i was so in denial about my sexuality. i hated the idea of me being... well.. gay... back then, plus i was terrified of the backlash i would get. so i pushed down my feelings for you, met girlfriend, and pretended like my feelings went away. but... they didn't. i still love you, crash. and i want to say it to your face before it's too late."

crash just stared at him with what looked like a mix of shock and relief while he exhaled hard, glad to have his confession over with.

"come on," boyfriend said playfully. "you must have known i was going to say that."

"i was... hoping...," a flustered crash managed, "but i didn't really think so."

"i mean, you've made me feel happier than girlfriend ever did in just the past week. i can't thank you enough."

crash pinned him to the bed, him embarrassment gone.

"i can make you feel a million times better than girlfriend ever could. if only you'd let me...~"

he trailed his eyes down boyfriend's body, which wasn't much because he's so fUCKING SHORT

boyfriend felt his face burn as he looked up into crash's eyes. he wanted this. he had ever since he saw his fat ass at the bar. his passion was almost uncontrollable.

"go on then, crash...," he muttered.

"sex me."

"i thought you'd never ask," crash grinned sexily and leaned forward, kissing boyfriend's practically nonexistent neck as he ran his hands down his body. slowly, he traced lower and lower under his shirt, boyfriend moaning softly in anticipation as his hand stopped just shy of his boyfrussy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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