sHARING a bed 🤨

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crash jumped up from the dining room table and sprinted down the hall to boyfriend's room.

"b-boyfriend?" crash panted, eyes daring around the room. "what's wrong?!"

"there's a family of RATS living in my BED!" boyfriend yelled out.


suddenly, a rat scurried out from under the bed.

"well, well, well. if it isn't crash bandicoot!" a familiar voice squeaked.

crash's eyes darkened. no. not him.

"been a long time since i've seen ya, old pal," remy said, walking up to crash and leaning on his lower leg. "been toooo long."

"don't call me pal, dicknips," crash said angrily. he pushed remy off his leg and stepped forward. "what are you doing living in my bed? with your gross little kids, too!"

"well, the original plan was you'd never find out...," remy started, "but oh well."

"so, you know how i ran off with ya girl?" remy grinned, showing his yellowed front teeth.

"yes, i'm well aware," crash said through gritted teeth. "have you come to take my only friend too?!"

"nawwww, are you nuts? we don't need a loser like him." the rat smiled, enjoying his rival's look of fury. "we just used yer bed as a hiding place to nurture our kids. y'know, to avoid buying stuff of our own n'shit."

"fucking gross. what do i have to do to get you out of here?"

"just give us all yer cheese and plonk the bed outside yer house. the kids'll sort out the rest'a it."

crash hung his head, exhausted. "fine. boyfriend, looks like you're gonna have to share my bed for the night while i order a new one."

"okay," boyfriend said, fighting the pink on his cheeks.

what was he thinking? 'okay'?! he couldn't sleep with him, he'd think he was like, totally into him and all that. which he definitely didn't want him to think.

...did he?

crash bandicoot x boyfriend (fnf)Where stories live. Discover now