Chapter 2: Goku vs. The Titan (Part 2)

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*Hey, guys. First of all, I'd like to apologize for not posting a new chapter of this story in almost 2 years. I was very busy with college and work, but now that I'm on summer break, I'll hopefully post a few more chapters. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this 13,000+ long chapter. The next chapter will be the final part of the prologue before Chapter 4 officially adapts the events of the series.

Goku and Chariot continued walking through the streets of Blytonbury in search of its train station. Along the way, Goku curiously examined the surrounding buildings and general decorum of this town. He's visited quite a few villages before, but this one almost seemed like a weird mix of both city and town life. It had an old-fashioned feel to it, yet still seemed modern at the same time. However, it still paled in comparison to the massive, bustling metropolis that was West City. He somewhat wondered if this world had similarly huge locations.

Chariot, standing to the left of Goku, glanced at him in puzzlement. There were so many questions she wanted to ask about Goku's life and background, but no words could come to mind. After all, encountering a martial artist his age wasn't just any common occurrence. Especially one as weirdly experienced as he claimed to be. And judging by their prior conversation, Goku didn't seem like the type of person to lie about that or well, have the capability of lying in general. That made his compliments to her as a witch all the more genuine.

However, with him being 16-years-old as well, one question did seem to catch her attention. Chariot then cleared her throat in order to break the silence.

" What's your home like, anyway?" Chariot calmly asked. Goku looked at the red-haired girl in puzzlement.

"My home?" Goku quizzically replied.

"Yeah. If you accidentally fell through a Ley Line, I might as well know the place you were beforehand. Based on the kanji written on your gi, I'm guessing you come from some part of Japan?" Chariot presumed. Since some of her fellow students at Luna Nova Academy were, in fact, Japanese, magical activity in that country was quite commonplace.

Goku stroked his chin, wondering how he could best respond to Chariot's question. Since Japan wasn't a place that existed in his world, he ultimately decided to keep the exact area of origin a bit vague.

"Hmm...well, I guess you could say that. I lived in this one mountain area for most of my life." Goku smiled, fondly recalling Mt. Paozu's flourishing ecosystem. "It had a bunch of trees to climb, lakes to swim in, and best of all, fresh animals to eat! Ha-ha!"

Nodding along, Chariot's eyes suddenly widened at the last part of Goku's sentence.

"Y-You ate wild animals?" Chariot stammered in surprise. She knew Goku liked food a lot, but not exactly that kind.

"Well, yeah. Back then, that was the only source of food I could find. My favorites were the giant fish I caught. Yum...those were tasty." Goku chuckled. He rubbed his stomach in deep recollection of the giant fish's unique, exquisite taste.

Sighing, Chariot just shook her head in amusement. If Goku saw that type of hunting as normal, then there was no reason for her to argue against it. She did, however, know for a fact that her parents would have an absolute fit over his "savage" nature.

"Guess I can't blame for that, then. You weren't living...alone during that time, were you?" Chariot cautiously asked. In response, Goku just grinned a bit wider. Although, for some reason, she did see an ever-so-slight twinge of sadness appear in Goku's eyes. It was faint, sure, but she could still tell Goku didn't exactly like talking about this subject for too long.

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