Chapter 5: Fresh Starts

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*Thanks to everyone who reviewed Chapter 4. I hope you enjoy this chapter just as much, if not more so!

Goku, the naïve, curious man that he was, couldn't help, but gawk at Professor Holbrooke's office. Although he still wanted to talk with Ursula some more, the Saiyan warrior became transfixed by the nine headdresses surrounding the headmistress's desk. Each of them looked different, yet somewhat similar to one another at the same time.

He slowly walked over to one of them and tried to touch it. This action was immediately interrupted by an irate Professor Finnelan. She narrowed her blue eyes and stuck a finger in front of his face.

"Don't you dare touch that, Mr. Son."

Goku took a step back and scratched the back of his head. Ursula couldn't help, but silently giggle at his blank, innocent expression.

"Oops. My bad, Professor Finnelan. I was just wondering what those weird hats were."

One of the Magic Linguistics instructor's eyes twitched from annoyance.

"They are not just any 'weird hats'. These statues represent this Luna Nova's legendary founders, the Nine Olde Witches." Finnelan corrected him. "You would have known that if you actually decided to listen to our explanation. How Baba was able to put up with your lack of tact and patience is beyond me."

"In his defense, Professor Finnelan, we did just get back to the office. There's going to be a lot of questions and thoughts going through Goku's head right now." Ursula said while clearing her throat.

Finnelan sighed. "I suppose you make a good point, Ms. Ursula. However, I do suggest you don't encourage Mr. Son's naivety any further. He won't learn to follow this school's policies that way."

"I mean, it's not like I'm a student here or anything. I'm just protecting the place from monsters and other stuff like that, right?" Goku asked.

Finnelan deadpanned. He was completely missing the point of the job Professor Holbrooke gave him.

"Yes. You may be protecting us from monsters and stuff," The middle-aged witch repeated in a spiteful, mocking tone. "but as long as you're part of this academy's staff, you will need to follow our rules and—"

"Alright, Professor Finnelan. I believe Goku gets the picture." Holbrooke interjected. She clasped her hands together and held them in front of her mouth. "Now, rather than yell at him some more, let's just have a simple conversation with the man, shall we? He is our special guest, after all."

She slightly waved her bell-ringer staff and created another chair out of thin air. It materialized via a flash of green magical energy.

"Have a seat, Goku. We have much to discuss."

"Um... alright. Thanks!"

Goku plopped himself down onto the chair and sat up straight. Professor Finnelan and Ursula then stood on either side of their boss's desk.

"So, I assume you're wondering who these Nine Olde Witches are, correct?" Holbrooke asked.

Goku nodded his head. "Yep. Professor Finnelan mentioned that they're this school's founders or whatever, but I don't know much else."

"That's correct. They were a group of incredibly powerful witches who established Luna Nova Magical Academy over 1,600 years ago. All nine of them helped save magic from becoming extinct back then." Holbrooke calmly explained. "This was done through Yggdrasil, a large, cosmic tree where all magical energy originates from. Although, you might be more familiar with its lingering branches, the Ley Lines."

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