Chapter 3: Divergent Futures (Part 3)

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*Hi, everyone. It's me again. Here's the final part of this short, 3-chapter prologue for The Saiyan of Luna Nova. After this, the canon events of the series will officially begin. However, I won't be following everything that took place in the original show to a T. I will be altering stuff from canon and adding my own events to it. This includes the addition of Dragon Ball villains and increased bits of lore from Norse Mythology, the LWA manga, etc. With that short announcement out of the way, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

            Thanks to the Shiny Balai's portable Ley Line, Chariot and Goku managed to directly reach Glastonbury Tor within seconds. Located outside of its titular town, Glastonbury, it was a steep hillside that towered over nearby houses and trees. Lined along the hill was a single staircase which led directly to St. Michael's Tower, a national monument associated with England's medieval age. An interesting characteristic of this tower was a massive tree which ingrained itself between the presiding walls and crevices. The tree's branches grew above the roof, causing a multitude of leaves and plant-life to completely conceal its archaic ridges.

For hundreds of years, witches attending Luna Nova Academy used Glastonbury Tor as a Ley Line Terminal which directed their brooms to anywhere, they wished to travel, including their own school. However, travel between Ley Lines could go awry if someone either flew themselves off course or brought salt with them. For some reason, Ley Lines didn't react well to the contents of salt and if present, a witch could possibly land in another, unintended location. This, like in Goku's case, could include separate galaxies, planets, or even dimensions as well.

However, that specific condition was exactly what Goku and Chariot were booking on. After all, this was the only conceivable way to bring Goku home.

Chariot carefully parked the Shiny Balai in place. She turned her head around to check how Goku handled the broom's instantaneous momentum.

"You alright, Goku?" Chariot asked in concern. To her surprise, Goku's hair was completely quaffed backward due to the wind projected from the Shiny Balai's dash. He also looked a bit dizzy, much to her amusement.

"I'm okay. It's just been awhile since I've flown that fast." Goku replied. He then shook his head, bringing himself back to normal.

"Wait, does that mean you can fly?!" Chariot gaped in surprise.

"Nah, I had this cloud called the Flying Nimbus that I rode on. It was given to me by my first master, Roshi." Goku noted before stroking his chin in curiosity. "Then again, Kami did tell me that the projection of ki could make flying possible, so who knows? Maybe I will one day."

Chariot found the mere prospect of that ability greatly intriguing. She assumed some type of elemental magic could result in flight, but with ki, it seemed to have near-limitless capabilities. Plus, the idea of someone as strong as Goku learning to fly was, admittedly, kind of terrifying. He'd be a force to be reckoned with for sure.

"Wow. I'm sure that's exciting!" Chariot commented, figuring that the potential for such progress was highly beneficial.

"You bet! That's why I want to get back to training as soon as possible!" Goku beamed in sheer anticipation. His enthusiasm was quite contagious, but to Chariot, she couldn't help, but feel a bit bummed out. She still wanted to learn more about Goku and his many adventures, yet unfortunately, time just wasn't on their side. Both of them had their own responsibilities to attend to.

"I know I should feel happy to help Goku, but..." Chariot sadly peeked at Goku's excitable demeanor. "...a part of me doesn't want him to leave. He's done so much already, and I want him to be acknowledged for it."

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