Chapter 4: The Return to Another World

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*Immense apologies for waiting an entire year to update this story. I got pretty busy with updating some of my other stories and, sadly, didn't have much time to work on this. Luckily, I got some time to finish the 4th chapter, so I hope you enjoy it. I'll try to get Chapter 5 done a bit faster, but it all depends.

Chapter 4: The Return to Another World

Luna Nova Magical Academy, 2017

11 years passed since the magical icon, Shiny Chariot, had mysteriously disappeared. Not much was known about what happened to her, but supposedly, her last performance resulted in the moon's surface being marked with some sort of star-like shape. That was the final time anyone saw the Shiny Rod, or as most people in the magical community knew it, Claiomh Solais, as well. Although many tried and failed to locate Chariot's current whereabouts, she seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth, most likely out of shame for the people she drained magical energy from. These people had no recollection of what happened that night, but most witches and wizards who learned of this event did not.

Some even went as far as to denounce Chariot as nothing more than a half-baked witch who didn't deserve the recognition she had gotten. The damage she caused to the moon, for them, was proof enough of this fact.

Others, like Professor Miranda Holbrooke, thought differently. Being the 44th headmistress of Luna Nova Magical Academy, she was a short old woman with light green hair and blue eyes that were partly concealed by a pair of rectangular glasses. She wore a red jacket over her normal witch's uniform, a necklace with multiple green stones, and a white scarf that extended just beneath her chin. The most eccentric part of her appearance, however was a large purple hat that covered the top of her head. It was much bigger than the hats Luna Nova's teachers usually wore.

Professor Holbrooke was currently seated in a large brown chair positioned in the center of her office. Behind her was a long row of uniquely-shaped hats that each represented the school's founders, the Nine Olde Witches. These greatly powerful witches opened the school over 1,600 years ago and had long since passed on. They went by the names, Professor Sif Woodward, Beatrix Cavendish, Skade Jotun, Frigga "Frigg" Garnder, Freyja Elfin, Circe Bandora, Elvira Svartal, Helena "Hel" Maximoff, and Brokkr Deville respectively. Knowledge about their exact fates was lost to time, but some believe that one of them could be found hidden deep within the legendary Arcturus Forest. Only a rare few were brave enough to investigate these woods, though.

The old witch sighed. She could still remember the day Chariot told her about that boy's fight with the Titan so many years ago. It was hard to believe that a single child did what the great witch, Jennifer, couldn't and destroyed it for good. Back then, it made her wonder if this Son Goku person could have been transported from Professor Baba's own world. She did, after all, have a perverted younger brother who could fire the same Kamehameha Wave that this boy did. Only this time, she was smart enough to tell that Goku had long since surpassed him in terms of power. He wouldn't have been able to kill the Bound Giant so easily otherwise.

Holbrooke couldn't help, but smile and shake her head at this thought. Chariot was so excited to talk to her about Goku that she didn't even care about failing Professor Finnelan's exam just moments earlier. She only wished that things could have turned out better for the poor girl.

Now, as a result of that unfortunate concert, the Claiomh Solais was no longer hers to wield. It needed to be discovered by a new person who could help unlock all Seven Words of Arcturus and, finally, reawaken the Grand Triskellion.

Unfortunately, magic was no longer as prosperous as it used to be during Chariot's time as a student. Holbrooke could foresee a dark force approaching Luna Nova Academy and its students. This force hadn't been seen since the school's initial destruction during the 19th century by his and the Witch Hunter's hands. And with the number of witches slowly dwindling, she wasn't sure magic alone would be enough to stop it.

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