Let's Catch Up....

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Damon and Elena are humans. For Elena, it's back to normal. For Damon, he's getting used to his new normal. He's adjusting well to not being a vampire. They rebuilt the house that Elena used to live in. The Salvatore mansion is now being used as The Salvatore School, (in Stefan's memory) where Caroline and Alaric are the headmasters.

When Elena found out she was pregnant, it was the best day of her life. Until then, the best day of her life had been her wedding day. It was beautiful. A small ceremony with her family and friends. She never knew someone could make her so happy. Everyday with Damon was better than the last.

Elena took the test. When it was positive, she ran downstairs and practically leaped into Damon's arms. He smiled, asked her why she was suddenly so excited. Elena pulled the test out and showed it to him. A look of shock crossed his face. Then he smiled.

"Are you serious?" He asked.

Elena laughed. "I mean it's only one test, but it's positive. I called the doctor and we have an appointment tomorrow."

Damon picked her up in his arms and spun her around. When he placed her back down, they kissed and shared a sweet moment.

They went to the doctor the next day and had an ultrasound done. Sure enough, Elena was pregnant. They were overjoyed.

They waited a few weeks and then told all of their friends. Jeremy first. Then Bonnie and Caroline. Then Alaric and Matt. Every time was special.

Damon was extremely doting over Elena throughout her whole pregnancy. He always made sure that she was comfortable, was warm enough, cold enough, had enough food. He'd do anything for her. She was his whole world. And he was hers. And their baby was both of their worlds.

They decided to wait until the baby was born to find out if it was a girl or a boy.

"Another exciting moment to add to an already exciting day." Elena told him.

He agreed, and so they waited.

Of course, Caroline desperately wanted to know. She was impatient and wanted them to find out what it was as soon as they could. After all, how could she shop for the baby if she didn't know what kind of things to get?

They told her she would just have to wait, and so she did.

The Salvatore BabyWhere stories live. Discover now