The Beginning

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Elena was almost full term now. Her feet hurt when she walked, so she mainly preferred to sit or lie down. With her due date being so close, the excitement in the air was everywhere. Everyone was on the edges of their seats just waiting for the day they'd get to meet the new Salvatore baby. That day would come sooner than they think.

Damon was picking up around the house and whistling. Elena was looking at baby name lists.

"Ok here's some for a boy. Henry, Roman, Roland, Blue, Noah, and Nolan."

Damon glanced at her. "Are we going for a mid evil theme?"

Elena gasped playfully. "What? Do you not like them? I didn't think they were that bad. Ok let's look at the girl ones. Norah- "


"What? Why?"

"Crazy siren girl. Remember. Hung with Sybil."

"Oh yeah. Well, scratch that one off then."

Elena placed her phone down and stood up to go get a drink.

"Why are you up?" Damon asked quickly.

"Relax, I'm just getting water." Elena reassured him.

"No no no, let me get it. You just sit down and rest, ok." He said.

Elena smiled. "Damon, it's fine. Nothing is gonna happen between here and the fridge- oh my god..."

Damon stopped in his tracks. "What?"

"I spoke too soon." Elena said.

Damon rushed over to her. "Why? What's wrong? Are you ok?" He grabbed her arms to steady her.

"I'm fine."

Damon was confused.

"My water just broke."

Damon's face looked almost numb for a moment. Like he couldn't speak. He looked down at her pants.

"Oh my god, Elena..."

Elena smiled.

Damon gasped. "You're having this baby now?"

Elena nodded.

"You're having our baby now!"

So many emotions rushed over them in that moment. Too many to tell them all apart.

Damon walked Elena back over to the couch and helped Elena slowly sit down. He was on the floor with his hands resting on her knees.

"Who do you want me to call?" He asked.

"Bonnie first. Since she's the one who will deliver the baby. And then call Jeremy. He's out of town, it'll take him a while to get down here. And then Caroline. She's going to freak." Elena said.

Damon smirked. "Yeah I think she's the most excited of us all. Alright, I'm gonna go get my phone. Are you gonna be ok?"

"Yes, yes, it's fine. It won't get bad for a few more hours. Don't worry we have time. Go call them." She told him.

Damon nodded. "Ok"

He ran upstairs to go grab his phone. And one by one he called everyone he could think of.

"Bonnie? Hey, yeah, it's happening. Her water broke. The baby's coming. Ok...ok, yeah. Alright I'll tell her. Thank you. Ok, see you soon Bon-Bon."

"Jeremy? Hey what's going on? Yeah listen, I know you're out of town but I think you need to come back. Why? Well because I don't think you want to miss the moment you become and uncle. Yeah, yeah, it happening. She's gonna have the baby soon. Alright, hurry back and I'll see you soon."

"Hey Caroline. I'm gonna tell you something, don't freak out. Whoa whoa whoa... I said don't freak out! I haven't even told you yet! Yes it's time. Her water broke."

He had to move the phone away from his ears because Caroline was squealing so loud.

"Alright get here soon. Ok bye."

He figured they only needed a few people there or it would get overwhelming really quickly.

He put his phone in his pocket and ran back downstairs to Elena who was still sitting on the couch.

"Hey. I called them. Are you good? Has anything else happened yet?" He asked.

"It just kind of feels like cramps. Nothing too serious right now." Elena told him.

They heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Elena called.

"Someone call for a magical midwife?" Bonnie said as she stepped through the door.

Elena smiled brightly.

Bonnie made her way over to the couch and hugged Elena.

"Can you believe this is it? It's happening!" Bonnie said.

""I know!" Elena said, rubbing her belly. "It's so crazy, we could be holding our baby by the end of the day!"

"How are your contractions?" Bonnie asked.

"Not bad right now. I told Damon it just feels like little cramps."

"It might get intense really quickly or it might be over in a second. It's different for everybody. I guess we'll just see how it goes for you." Bonnie told Elena.

They soon found out how intense it could get.

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