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"Bonnie what happened? Why isn't she waking up?? Elena? Elena can you hear me?"

Damon was frantic. A few seconds ago, he and Elena were beaming at their little girl. Now she was limp in his arms. Unresponsive and still. Damon had never been so terrified in his life.

The baby started to cry.

"Shhh, shhhh it's ok, I've got you." Damon tried consoling her. It was slowly working.

"Bonnie do something," he demanded. Wake her up!"

"I can't!" Bonnie said quickly.

"What what do you mean you can't? You're a witch! Do a spell! Help her!" He pleaded.

"Her body is still getting used to being human again after living as a vampire. She was much stronger. Now she's not. Its taken a toll on her. Her body was so used to being a vampire that when she suddenly turned back, it wasn't ready. I should've thought about this! She should've waited to have a baby, let herself get used to being a human again!" Bonnie cried.

"So you're saying it's her fault?" Damon said.

"No! That's not what I'm saying!" Bonnie said exasperatedly. "She couldn't have known. She thought everything would go right back to normal."

"Do a spell! Give her strength! Something, please!"

"I can't! Magic will overwhelm her. It'll kill her before it does any good. We just need to get her to the hospital." Bonnie said.

There was terror in Damon's eyes. Elena couldn't die. What would he do? She was his whole world, the his world expanded the moment he found out about his little girl. They were everything to him. He refused to lose her. He couldn't live without her.

Bonnie took the baby and Damon carried Elena. They rushed out of the house as fast as they could to the car. Not even noticing that everyone had left. Damon gently placed Elena in the backseat. He sat back there with her, holding their baby. Bonnie floored it out of the driveway. She sped down the road as fast as she could to get to the hospital.

Damon held Elena's hand, even though she couldn't hold his back. He didn't let go the whole ride there.

Bonnie grabbed her phone and put it on speaker. She called Caroline.

"Something's wrong. Elena passed out. We're driving to the hospital now. Get everyone there as quickly as possible. We're almost there."

Caroline went pale on the other end of the phone.

"What's wrong mom?" Lizzie asked.

"Nothing baby, it's ok. They just have to take Elena to the doctor to get checked out. Me and dad are gonna go check on her ok? You can go back and hangout with the other kids." She told her daughter.

"Go find Josie. You two go play. It's ok, we'll be back soon."

She rushed off to go find Alaric. She found him in his office looking through papers.

"Ric we have to go now." She said firmly.

He was confused.

"Go where?" He asked her.

"The hospital. Elena's unconscious. They're taking her there now. I don't know what's going on. I just know we have to get there now. I've already talked to the girls. They're playing." She explained.

Alaric didn't know what to say. He just just stood up and hurried out the door with Caroline.

Caroline called Jeremy. He and Matt were still at the Grill.

"Something happened and you have to get to the hospital now. I'm sorry to tell you over the phone so frantically but I don't know what's going on and I'm trying to hurry." She said.

Jeremy and Matt left before even finishing all their food. Their waiter heard what happened. He said it was fine, he understood. He cleaned up their food.

Everyone was in a panic.

What was happening to Elena? Would she be ok? What were they gonna do?

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