Almost There

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Damon carried Elena into their bedroom. He placed her gently on their bed. They got her as comfortable as they could. Damon got up in the bed with her. He sat behind her while she leaned on his chest. Holding his hands.

Bonnie checked her cervix.

"Ok Elena, you're about 8 centimeters. You're so close. Just a little while longer and you'll be able to push. This has gone super fast!" Bonnie said.

"It hasn't felt fast," Elena replied.

"It's almost over." Damon said. "Soon you'll have your baby in your arms ok. Just think about that."

Elena panted. "We haven't.....ahhhh..... thought of a name."

"It's ok." Damon said. "We have some time. Not a whole lot. But some."

She continued to breathe through her contractions. Getting worse by the second. They were so close together now. It was just constant pain.

"oooooooohhhhh...ahhhh..... D-Damon," she said shakily.

"Hey, hey I'm here. I've got you. I'm here. Always. I love you baby." Damon told her.

"Ow, ow ow ow Bonnie... Bonnie this is different. Something's different." Elena cried.

Damon looked panicked.

"What's wrong? Is she ok?" He asked Bonnie.

Bonnie smiled. "It's ok Elena, it's ok." She looked into Damon's eyes. "She's fine." Damon looked relieved.

"Well then why does it feel different for her?" Damon asked.

"You're 10 centimeters Elena. It's time for you to push." Bonnie told them.

"What?" Elena gasped.
Damon squeezed her hands tightly. He laughed slightly. "We're gonna have our baby so soon Elena. We'll be holding our baby in our arms."

Elena smiled. She was so excited to meet her baby. But she wasn't excited about what she had to do to bring her baby to the world.
The pain started again.

"Alright Elena this is the real deal." Bonnie said. "I'm gonna count to three and I need you to push for me ok? You can do this. One, two, three!"

Elena took a breathe in and pushed with all of her might. She wanted this to be over.


"Squeeze my hands Elena, squeeze my hands. You've got this." Damon told her.

"Alright good!" Bonnie encouraged her. "That was good. You have to do it again, ok. Breathe! One, two, three, push!"


"Push Elena!"

Elena was crying.

"I ca- I can't do this!" She started gasping for air. "I can't breathe!"

Bonnie looked up at Damon.

"You have to calm her down or she's gonna start hyperventilating. She has to stay calm. If she panics the baby might go into distress."

Damon was terrified. He started stroking Elena's hair. And rubbing her arm. "Elena baby, listen, I need you to listen. You have to breathe. Slowly. In and out. In and out. In and out."

Elena started to slow her breathing down.

"That's it. That's it sweetheart. You got this. I know it hurts. I know you're tired. But you can do this. I know you can. You're the strongest person I know. And I love you more than anyone else in the world. Take deep breathes. Calm yourself down. And push, ok? I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I've got you right here. You'll be ok, you hear me? A few more pushes and it's all over and you'll have a baby in your arms. Are you ready?"

Elena continued breathing slowly in and out. She nodded. Years still flowing down her face.

"I love you," Damon kissed her head. "Now push!"

Elena gathered her strength, and pushed again. She held onto Damon so tightly she though she might hurt him. But he didn't care. All that mattered to him was that Elena and his baby made it out of this safely.

"Uggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh AHHHHH"

"It's getting closer Elena, just push!"

Her screams pierced the air. Tears flowed down Damon's cheeks. She was gonna be ok. She just had to get through this. It would be ok. It'll all be over soon.

"It'll all be over soon," he said. "Soon."

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