Elena's Pregnancy

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It definitely wasn't easy but she enjoyed every moment of it. Her favorite thing to do was sit on the couch with Damon. Their feet propped up, maybe watching a movie. Talking about the future and the amazing life they were gonna have with their kid.

Damon was very protective and wouldn't let Elena lift a finger to do any housework.

"I've got this!" He said. "It's just making breakfast. How hard could it be?"

Elena rolled her eyes at him. "Considering all you know how to make is pancakes, I guess it shouldn't be too hard."

Caroline couldn't stop buying gifts. She was in and out of stores, and she would spend hours finding things that she thought were perfect.

She came over one day with bags full of clothes.

"Care, we don't even know if it's a boy or a girl yet," Elena laughed.

"I know, I know," Caroline told her. "But you can use whatever you need to now, and then the rest when you have a second kid!"

"Woah Blondie," Damon interrupted. "That's a little far in the future, don't you think?"

Elena nodded. "Yup. I definitely think we'll wait a few years before we ever start trying for another baby. It takes time to get used to the parent life you know."

Caroline sighed. "I do know. Believe me, the twins were rough. There were times I didn't think I could do it. But they're almost teenagers and it was worth every second. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the simple days where they would just sit in my lap and play tea party. But now they're interested in shopping for clothes, and boys, and dating-"

"Definitely not ready for that." Damon said. "If we have a girl, she won't date until she's 30."

Elena laughed. "A little extreme don't you think?"

"Nope. And if it's a boy, he better treat every young lady with respect. And never lose his temper with a girl." He cupped his hands around his mouth and whispered, "we all know what happens when girls get too cranky."

Elena rolled her eyes and Caroline threw a pillow at him.

Caroline stayed for a few more minutes and then went home to her family.

Damon and Elena ended the night laying in bed talking about something they hadn't talked about before.

"He'll never get to know the baby." Elena said.

Damon looked over at her.

"What are you talking about?"

"Stefan." She whispered.

Damon looked up at the ceiling.

"I know, baby. Believe me it hurts me too. He would've made a great uncle."

A tear slid down Elena's cheek. Damon wrapped his arm around her and they went to sleep.

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