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-Tobio's POV-

The day it all went down was the day I got... "EXPELLED!!"

"W-wait expelled what d-did I do?"

"You cheated on Ren, and we do not allow that kind of behavior!" W-wait I did what now, I have not done anything remotely close to that. what the hell is going on.

Woah, wait a second this ain't the start of the story. Let's rewind to the start of my 1st year at kurasuno high school. I am Kageyama Tobio and I just got accepted into kurasuno high school with my boyfriend {well now ex} Ren we have been dating for a year he was the only one who did not call me 'The king of the court.'

[Time skip brought to you by my weird co-editor] 1 month later)

Ren has been leaving me notes demanding I go places with him, or he will hit me, and this has been going on for a month now. During practice, he has been flirting with Yachi and Kiyoko in front of me acting like I do not exist anymore, and the team does not find it suspicious even though they know we are dating, well except Tsukishima Kei but then again, he does not get into other people's business.

The first thing I always do in the morning is to go to my locker. I open my locker and a letter falls out. I bend down and pick up the letter and open it. It said: meet me back off the school NOW you're gonna have bruises until next week –R. My hands were shaking as I ran to the back of the school in fear of what was coming next. Once I reached the back of the school, I saw the thing I feared most...Ren making out with my best friend in my class. I froze tears streaming down my face, I grabbed my phone and in my distressed state took multiple pictures so I could show my brother if he did not believe me. I sobbed trying to muffle it with my sleeve, but Ren and Aia heard my cries and stopped what they were doing to turn around.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!!" Ren screamed as I flinched at the sudden outburst.

"Y-you l-left a n-note I-in my l-lock-ker," I say in disbelief that I just caught my boyfriend of 2 years kissing another person but not just a random person my best friend.

"THAT WAS FOR YESTERDAY BUT I FORGOT YOU DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL YOU TYRANT OF A KING!!" The moment that those words were said I bolted out from the back of the school to the gym thinking no one was there. But the universe had different plans. 

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