First Adventure

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Okay so a friend of mine suggested I start writing a story. Well, I thought I would try it so please comment on what you think about this and give suggestions as you read.

It was a dark and stormy night when Tig3r was walking along a path to go see Ftizie when suddenly unicornslover poped out of nowhere.(and when I say nowhere I literally mean nowhere she just appears random places) she joined Tig3r on her journey and as they where walking there was a loud "BAM!!" with a lot of smoke as they coughed and choked on the smoke an image emerged from the smoke it was Oxilla. Randomly when she appeared all you could hear was "I AM AWESOME" and then silence as she walked throught the smoke and appeared Behind you and said "boo".
They said hey and Oxilla joined them on their journey as well. When they saw Anime Ninja watering her flower with her back turned. They raised their eyebrows repeatedly over and over again until they finally just used their stealthy ninja skillz to sneak behind her and scare her so bad that she slapped unicorn lover. So after they sat down inside Unicornlover slapped Anime Ninja (as she always did like one time one of her twin sisters(yes they are triplets) slapped her and then they broke out into a slapping war that went on for over 20 days but that is a story for another day) as hard as she could. While Tig3r and (I) Oxilla ate cookies and milk they where glaring at each other wit rage that is unexplainable but I am going to explain it anyways. it was like watching a dog and a cat having a stare down while on steroids and like they where missing their glasses squinting at each other. so after about 3 hours of mental preparation they stared slapping each other so hard that their arms were black and blue. So Tig3r and me, Oxilla had to break it up so we could always get to Fritzies house . so as we took our final steps out of the door they took one last glare and said at the exact same moment "this isn't over I'll get to you" and they walked out the door now as Unicornlover tig3r and me Oxilla where walkinging down the path we could see her house from were we stood and we ran down the rode as we came up to their house Unicornlover summons her unicorn Mystery and we flew down to her house. I, Oxilla got off and threw a smoke bomb in the room and appeared with a bag of popcorn as I threw it at Fritzie and said "I am Awsome" and then unicorn lover, Tig3r and mystery flew in on the unicorn they busted the window. Frizie asked where is Myth? Unicorn lover said she was sick with the uni-pox and as they all left from Fritzies house it hit Oxilla hard in the head. Literally, a brick with a note tied to it hit Oxilla in the head and the note said "Why didn't you ride the unicorn to Fritzies? Then when you opened the note it said,"Oxilla, Unicorn lover, Mystery, Tig3r , and Myth you are needed at THE SCHOOL (Dah Dah dahh)" Just then Unicorn lover said what is it as Oxilla asked" why didn't we ride on mystery to Fritzies" and unicorn lover said" I DONT REALLY KNOW that would have been a good idea though oh well to late now" then Oxilla said we are needed erg entry at THE SCHOOL" *gasps from every one even mystery* and unicorn lover says " "B-b-but nothing good ever happens at THE SCHOOL"... (Dah Dah dahh)

I hope you liked my first story if you wouldn't mine I would love to see some comments and questions also if you suggest somthing for a story I will defiantly put it in the story. To be continued BYE!!! :)

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