Chapter 10 - Xander

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I have never gotten so close to loosing things like i did with Lola. Fuck, i want to strangle Dana who is sitting right infront of me complaining about someone sabotaging our shipments. Dad has always insisted that we have these emergency meetings at my club because it sound proof and less suspicious, i know it's because he doesn't trust Nick's security standards considering, since he took over we have been having an interesting number of snitches that we had to get rid of. Even though i hate being involved, he has always wanted my presence in such meetings. "So what you are saying is, we have a rat, again", Dad said with emphasis making a point that made Dana become mute and so was Nick. "Son, if you stop fucking everything that has a pussy and focus on the business by actually being there you wouldn't be loosing respect from your men and they would look out for these things for you but all you do is party all night long, i mean...when was the last time you were seen in your office without a woman eating your cock huh?", Dad said while irritated and as usual Nick had no answer. "You wanted this Nick, no, you demanded this and i gave it to you, but all you do is remind me to regret doing it every fucking day". His hands had turned into fists, he was trembling with rage. The truth is, no one wanted to be on Dad's bad side even Dana knew that. We remained silent allowing him to release his frustrations because he was always a man of few words, heck so was i, back in my old days i would have kicked the shit out of Nick just to teach him a lesson, even though he was my brother i never mixed business with pleasure and i was always there to make sure all my men were doing their job properly, including surprise visits at the harbour. 

"He is a fucking disappointment", Dad said the moment he chased Nick and Dana out of my office. "You don't mean that. He just parties too much but he gets the job done and you know that", i said looking at the glass window that showed people dancing and enjoying themselves, i saw Amanda siting with a red head and they looked happy but on the tipsy side. "I didn't say that was the problem, men understand authority and you don't get that by behaving like a horn dog infront of them all the time", i smiled knowing that even though he was pissed, i was about to lighten his mood. "Well it's good that your kryptonite is here then", i gestured for him to come closer to the window, the moment his eyes saw Amanda, he was like a kid in a candy store. "Good man, am not coming home tonight, just fix your brother's problem for me please? I know you are retired but we need to help him, he is loosing it", he said patting my shoulder rushing out. I continued to look at him as he approached Amanda, she almost faints but hugs him and a few minutes later she is on his shoulder and they are leaving the club, i swear my Dad reminds me of my high school days. The act made me laugh. I called Tank, we left for the harbour.

"So what's the issue Jace", i asked the moment i walked in Nick's office, him being no where to be found. Jace was his right man and if you ask me, he was the one keeping everything floating. "X, nice seeing you man", "Same here, how is the family?", "They are amazing man, you should come for the barbecue this friday, the kids miss you man", "It's on, can i bring someone?", "You mean Lola? finally, you don't need to ask i know Natasha would love some company", my eyes went wide but then again he was in the Mafia for a reason. He walked me through the problem, we had new competition but they didn't have the same connections as we did which is why we were having challenges, i made calls to the guys we had in payroll and we switched the route without telling no one even Nick. "Let's monitor and see", "This will work X, you should get back here, it's not the same". "I know but Tank and i are more corporate now days", i said gesturing to Tank's suit, he was a quiet one but lethal. "Where's the rat?", "In the basement with Nick", i nod my head and we left heading to the basement. Knowing Nick, he was probably releasing his frustration of whoever that person was and loosing sight of what needed to be done which was finding a solution for the shipments.

"Nick, stop, we don't want him dead", Dana was complaining but it was in vain, Nick was smashing his fists on the guy's face like he was a punching bag. I pulled him back and shoved him on Tank's side. "Calm the fuck down", i shouted at him making him flinch, yes i was scary when i needed to be. I turned to the man infront of me, he was one of the gate keepers, i was at his wedding last year, i wondered what got into him. "What happened? what did they take from you?", i asked knowingly. "May family X, they have my wife, she is three months pregnant", he was full on sobbing. "I am supposed to meet them tomorrow and give them the coordinates, if i don't they will kill her, please X, you have to understand". "Call the Doc, tomorrow we will go together and we will get your wife back", i said cutting the rope. "You can't be fucking serious!", Nick said trying to get out of Tank's hold but there was no chance that was happening. "Shut it", i said massaging my temple. When he was out of sight Tank released Nick and we left. I needed a drink and Lola, definitely Lola.

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