Chapter 12 - Xander

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I have to admit waking up to kisses on my face was the best way to wake up. I feel different since Lola came into my life and am just happy about it despite having to help Nick out with this issue that he is in. I was thankful that she didn't ask any questions when i told her Tank and i were doing some errands so she had to use her car, which she hated, the woman gets on my nerves, if i had it my way i would have been buying new things with her everyday. She hates when i spend money on her. She was so different form Dana in so many ways.

We went to the club as usual buying more time to when the meeting was going to take place, i made sure that they kept tabs on the gatekeeper. We left as soon as the guys sent us a heads up. It was a cafe that i owned, i mean how stupid can these guys be. Yes it was a public place but you have to do your homework when you invade someone's territory.

Tank and I got in through the back door, everyone was surprised to see me but we went straight to the surveillance room while the entrance was secured waiting for the meeting to happen. Two men entered the cafe and bought coffee, they looked so sure of themselves but then again that is how it usually happens. I smiled at how they were so predictable. There was a van parked outside, it looked suspicious. "Tank, this one", i pointed at the screen and he nod his head and walked out of the room, he knew what to do. Our guy arrived, looking so nervous, he joined them and after a few minuted one of them made a call. My phone rang and when i picked up it was Tank, "Talk to me", "I got the wife secured and the van taken care of", "Roger that", i hang up and turned to one of the security guards. "Lock it down", i commanded and he informed the rest. When the restaurant was closed, i walked out to join the party. 

"Good evening gentlemen", i said to them while siting on one of the chairs. I folded the sleeves of my shirt exposing my tattoo. One of them swallowed so loud, i believe everyone heard him. "Who the fuck are you?", the other one asked. "Well my name is X and i would like to know who sent you", i said relaxing in the chair. "Well we don't answer to you so piss off", i smiled and in one move i took my pocket knife and slashed his throat. i whipped my knife on his shirt and returned to my chair turning to the other one. "Ok buddy, talk to me", i asked looking at him straight in the eyes. He was in shock so i gave him time to relax, "Hey, hey...who sent you to my territory?", "Venga...he controls Europe and he wants to expand so he sent us here to cause some trouble so that he can come here and solve it for you", "Is it the first time?", "No, the first time he sent us to plant fake cash in your stash and now we were supposed to bribe the guards and take the shipment before it reached you", he finished and took a deep breath as if he did not believe that he was still breathing. "Give me his cell and the address to his home, write it down here then you will be free to go", i said and placed a note book for him to put the details. He wrote quickly and stood up, i took out my gun and shot him before he reached the door, between the eyes, perfect shot as always. "Clean this up, and mail the bodies to his home. I want his file on my desk by the end of the week. Jace, Nick and the big Boss need to know about this idiot", i said walking out of the back to see our gatekeeper hugging his pregnant wife kissing her like there was no tomorrow. It was a good site and i was happy that i could relate to the feeling of having someone own your heart, she was so innocent. He came to me and gave me a hug, appreciating the help. "I owe you my life Boss, always, thank you so much for this, i promise to always be loyal to you", he said hugging me again. This time he was sobbing, i allowed him to release his frustration and when he was calm, i bid them goodbye and bounce with Tank. I had to pass by the club to take a shower and change into fresh clothes, If Lola saw me like this, she would freak out.

"X, you better check the dance floor", Tank told me when i got out of the bathroom. I walked to my window and when i looked at the dancing floor i saw Lola dancing with Amanda, she looked happy and tipsy, it made me smile. I walked out of the office and went to check if she had everything that she needed plus i wanted my guards and workers to see that she was mine. I was feeling jealous, sue me! I found a guy trying to buy her a drink, "I don't need your money, i can afford my own drink and last time i checked i was someone's girlfriend". Yes, that famous answer. It reminded me of the first time i met her, feisty little one. I circled my hand on her waist, she tenses until she turned to me, before she could process i kissed her, i had to make a point that the bozo would understand. By the time i was satisfied with her lips, the bugger was gone. Good choice. "Hey you", she said with a huge smile. "Hey back, what are you guys celebrating?", i asked looking at her blushing face. She was cute. "We are not celebrating, we are digesting the fact that we have fallen for the Tan generation and it was not enough that you walked in on me and your Father now Lola has seen me too, so cheers", Amanda said surprising me, i couldn't help but laugh. I was so going to enjoy this version of her. Lola was quiet just studying my face and hair for some reason. Her gaze did things to me and i kinda wished we were not in a club at this moment and her not drunk.

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