Chapter 27 - Lola

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It's our wedding day, i am panicking and am very sure that wouldn't have been the case if Amanda and Dana didn't chased Xander away at five in the morning. I honestly don't believe in their crap of not seeing the bride before the wedding, it's crazy. "Tank is here, come on, we will be late", Amanda said making me release a breath. He was taking us to one of Xander's hotels where we will be getting married. It was a beach wedding. "Good morning Lola, are you ready to become a Mrs?", Tank asked but when he saw my mood he just smiled and stepped out of my way.

The hotel was flooded with paparazzi making me even more nervous. Amanda grabbed my hand assuring me that everything was going to be ok. We went through the private entrance then elevator. There was a man in a suit waiting for us with a couple of other people in uniforms, i assumed they were hotel staff. They helped us settle in one of the presidential suites. "This is amazing", Dana said looking around but i went to the window, looking out, i saw the reporters. "Hey! Don't mind them ok? Just focus on your man. Your getting married to the love of your life ok?", Amanda said and i nod my head.

The make up guys arrived and they managed to listen to me, only lipstick, nail polish and hair styling. Amanda was super happy when Dana agreed to do make up too. "Dana, thank you for being here, it means alot...i grew up not having anyone but now having you guys here is the best gift life could ever give me", i said feeling tears threatening to come out. She hugged me making me hug her back. "Am sorry i was a bitch. And thank you for giving me a chance to be part of this" she said still hugging me. "Aaawww! Group hug!", Amanda said making us laugh as the whole glam squad joined. They did the final touch up and i was told to get dressed. I finished just in time for my Orchid bouquet arrival. It was beautiful. "Oh my! Call the photographer please!", Amanda instructed. We took some photos, some silly ones and some serious. She told me to let loose so that is what i did. There was a knock on the door, when Dana opened, Xavier entered looking as sharp as always. I could have sworn i saw Amanda licking her lips. "Ladies, it's time", he said when he was done checking his woman out. I walked hand in hand with him to the beach side where people were waiting for us. It was alot of people. "Relax, i got you ok?", Xavier said as we watched Amanda and Dana walk in as bridesmaids then it was our turn. I held on tighter to Xavier until i was able to see Xander, my Xander. He looked so handsome and had a huge smile on his face making me smile too even though the veil was covering me.

"I, Lola Rivers take you, Alexander Tan to be my husband. I promise to love you and cherish you for the rest of my life" i said looking at him straight in the eyes. "I, Alexander Tan take you, Lola Rivers to be my wife. I promise to protect you, love you, worship you and always... always be there for you, forever", he said with a blinding smile. The priest gave us the rings and we put it on each other's fingers. It was a matching black titanium ring with diamond crystals all around them. They were beautiful. "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride", the priest said and i was suddenly pulled to Xander's chest his lips covering mine in a hungry kiss making my toes curl. I heard whistles and cheering from the crowd making me smile into the kiss. He pulled back looking into my eyes. "Hello Mrs. Xander", he said using his bedroom voice making me smile, i liked the sound of that. We walked back into the hotel heading to the ballroom where the reception was being held. The decorations were off the charts just magical. Amanda was amazing at these stuff. We were directed to sit. After a long list of presents from Xander's business partners, we had our first dance and he kept on holding my ass and me removing his hand, blushing like a school girl making people laugh.

"The fucker finally did it", Luke said as i danced with him making me laugh. "Yes he did Luke, please save your annoying comments for another day", i said making him roll his eyes at me. "When should we expect yours?", Xander asked cutting in on us, pulling me to his chest. "Well, am still searching he said disappearing in the crowd. "Mrs. Tan", he teased kissing my forehead. "I like the sound of that", i said pulling him down for a peck, he responded immediately. The Dj changed the music making us pull away from each other as more people came to dance with us. It was amazing.

"Wine?", Amanda offered a glass as i was sitting to rest my feet. "You liked the decor?", she asked sipping her wine. "Yes Amanda, thank you so much", i said making sure to look at her in the eyes. "You are welcome. Just make sure you return the favour when it's my turn", she said with a smile. "Oh yes, that is definitely a deal", i said and we toast to it. I saw Xander coming our way and smiled, he smiled back with mischief. What was he up to? "Wife", he said. "Husband", i replied making Amanda laugh. "Am tired, let's go home", he said pulling me to him. I followed bidding Amanda good night. Instead of going to the lobby, he directed me to the elevators. "Xander where are we going?", i asked curiously but he didn't reply. He placed his thumb on a scanner and an elevator opened. I was still in shock until we reached the thirtieth floor. The doors opened and i was greeted by the most luxurious penthouse i have ever seen. "Welcome home Mrs. Tan", he whispered just as i felt my zipper being pulled down. "You have a penthouse?", i asked bitting down a moan. "No baby girl, we own a penthouse", he said turning me to face him as his lips met mine and i knew right there that this is the man for me. As much as the other side of him terrified me, i am ready to live with it because i love Xander and nothing will change that.

The End.

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