Chapter 15 - Lola

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We have been at the venue the whole morning Miss Amanda wanted everything to be on point. Her father was going to attend the event and make a speech as well so it was a big deal for us. I told Xander that i would meet him at the event because of the things i had to help with. Of course we were doing the party at one of Xander's hotels so we had a room reserved for us. To make things easier. "Am happy now, we have like two hours, let's go get ready", Miss Amanda said and i followed her making sure to call the reception informing them to bring her make up squad in our room. I was not going to play dress up but Miss Amanda was definitely into it, it was her event after all, she had a reputation to keep.

" Are you sure you don't want any make up?", one of the ladies asked me and i just smiled and shook my head. Only mascara and bright red lipstick was enough for me. Which i did myself, my phone rang and when i looked i saw Xander's name. "Baby girl, am already here, where are you?", "am getting dressed in our room, i will be down when am done", i said playfully making him release a breath. "Ok just come to me when your arrive ok? I will be at the bar", he said clearly annoyed because of me being late, he was punctual, like very punctual so it was expected.

"Oh my, you look amazing! that ass, your boobs", one of the glam people said making me blush like an idiot. I never had to dress up for an event before so i told Xander to find me a dress. I was surprised that he knew my size but grateful that he did, i would have lost my mind if it didn't fit. It was a rose gold dress and yes it highlighted my curves and secured the extra fat perfectly, it was just amazing. Amanda was also done and she looked like a goddess in her royal blue dress, it had a slit that went up mid thigh, it was elegant and professional at the same time and the make up and hair was just on point. She knew how to turn heads but i knew this time around she wanted only one man more than the rest. The love of her life, her words not mine, Xavier. They were growing as a couple and sometimes Xavier would be MIA the whole week. Just hanging out with Miss Amanda, they were happy and i was too. They were both amazing people. I was lucky to have them. "We are already late and Dad is blowing my phone lets go", she said ushering us to the door.

The party was in full swing people dancing and networking and eating. I told Miss Amanda i was going to look for Xander, she agreed quickly also scanning the room for Xavier. I saw Dana as i approached the bar, she had her hand on Xander's shoulder while talking to Nick, Xander removed her hand and looked annoyed. He stepped away from her without loosing focus of what Nick was saying. It was Nick who saw me first and am sure his jaw was on the floor. "Fuck!", he said making me smile but he was not the one i was targeting, when i tuned to Xander, he was checking me out shamelessly infront of all the people that were already looking at me. I walked to him and pulled him in for a hug which he returned, one of his hands falling on my ass. I knew he was marking his territory. "Baby girl, you look amazing", he whispered in my ear making me smile. I heard someone clear their throat and when i turned it was Mr. Reeves with a very shocked Leo. I could care less about his son's reaction. "Mr. Reeves, good evening, you look handsome tonight", i said making him laugh, "I hope it's enough to score me a dance", he said offering me his hand, i turned to Xander who gave me a go ahead. "So Xander is the lucky one huh?", he said making me blush. "He is a great young man and well disciplined too, my business would have gone bankrupt without him", that surprised me, so they did know each other. "How so?", i asked curiously. "Leo stole money from the business to take his friends to Vegas and have a good time", i smiled, "That sounds  like Leo", "Oh yes, he can be childish at times but he is my son, i just hope he will grow up soon", he said. The man loved his son, i could tell. When the song ended he returned me to Xander who was standing with a very pale Leo, i wonder what Xander did. Xander pulled me to his side almost aggressively, i turned to him. "Is everything ok?", i asked. "It is now", he said now kissing my forehead.

After an hour of networking we went to sit on our table and yes Xander made sure i sat with my colleagues while he sat with his Dad, i would be very uncomfortable if i sat on their table, it had all the big customers on it including Mr. Reeves and Leo. 

Mr. McKall did his speech then Miss Amanda walked everyone through the company's achievements of the year and what we have managed to do so far then there were awards that went on for hours but there was only one that made us all super curious.

"And the best award of the night. This person has shown great teamwork, even thought she hates being noticed, she does things that do just that", Mr. McKall said making us laugh, they played a video of six different people praising the person and then finally it was a video of Amanda. "Well where do i start! I met her at a park, she was singing... horrible voice but hey! it's a free country and then when she told me about her life story and things she had to face and still coming on top i was just amazed and i knew right then and there, she was worth investing on. It was a rocky start, i challenged her alot but she kept on thriving so yeah...oh don't forget she was the one who brought us the biggest customer this year The Russian Reigns", Oh god! I was trembling at this point. "To present this award Mr. Tan from  Luxury Empires International. Xavier walked on the stage looking sharp in his tux. He shook Mr. McKall's hand and walked to the speech stand. "Well to say it's an honor it's an under statement considering she is my daughter in law", he said and there was a series of aaawwws. He took a deep breath and smiled, "The People's Choice Award for this year goes to Lola Rivers!"

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