Missing Report

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Scene: Alleyway. Sunset.

Scarlet (narrating): I had lost my Miraculous and Furyy. Without my smartphone to guide me, I had no way to get back to Grandma's Restaurant. (Scarlet tried to speak Mandarin to local people Have you seen my necklace? but they don't know where it is.)

Old man: (Speaks Mandarin: Apologies.) (Scarlet is disappointed. The man tells her with gestures to follow him.) (Speaks Mandarin: Come.)

Scene: Grandma Maylin's Good Fortune Restaurant kitchen. Adrien and Maylin make Xiaolongbao. Adrien puts some dishes to wash.

Maylin: I go get the chilli peppers from the pantry, Adrien.

Adrian: Okay Mrs White.

Maylin: (giggles) Call me grandma Maylin, my dear (she walks away to get the chilli pepper)

Adrien: Okay Grandma Maylin. (he looks around her kitchen as he notices a photo of Maylin, her husband and her young daughter who looks alike, Scarlet.)

Maylin came back with the chilli pepper she noticed that Adrian looked at her photo frame as she walked toward him and smiled softly.

Maylin: I do miss my husband and my daughter Marie.

Adrien: (abit surprised) You're lonely are you?

Maylin: Yeah, I do miss my daughter a lot, all I have left of her is my granddaughter.

Adrian smiled softly at Maylin White while they continued looking at the photo frame.

Scene: Alleyway. Scarlet borrows a drawing pad from an old gentleman.

Scarlet: (speaking Mandarin) 我正在寻找我的项链,看起来像这样 (I'm looking for my necklace that looks like this?) (Scarlet shows a sketch of a feather necklace) did you see anyone wearing them?

Man: (Speaks Mandarin: Nope Sorry. Oh, wait.) (He enters a building and comes out with a big feather.) (Speaks Mandarin: Is this what you need?) (Scarlet shook his head in Disappointment.)

Scene: Grandma Maylin's Good Fortune Restaurant.

Maylin: (nervously checking the clock) Is Scarlet often late?

Adrien: Scarlet? No, not really. It is not normal for her to be late if she is busy with her music business.

Maylin: (looks at the clock again) I'll call her by the way do you have her number? (Adrien gives Maylin Scarlet's phone number she then dials Scarlet.)

Scene: Alleyway outside Cash Antiques. Scarlet's phone rings. Fei throws the SIM card out and puts the phone back in her purse. Furyy looks nervously at the phone.

Scene: Grandma Maylin's Good Fortune Restaurant.

Scarlet's voicemail: It's Scarlet, please leave a message, beep!

Maylin: Scarlet, this is your grandmother Maylin. I hope you didn't get lost. I've got Adri- (Adrien shushes her) uh... a surprise! See you soon. (Hangs up.)

Scene: Alleyway. Scarlet finishes drawing a picture of her with arrows towards her necklace.

Man: (gasps, amazed) (Speaks Mandarin: She's very talented, this little girl!)

Old man: (Speaks Mandarin: Can you draw me one, please?)

Man: (posing and pointing at himself) (Speaks Mandarin: Oh yes! Me too, please!) (Scarlet is confused. She sighs with disappointment. An old lady tells her with gestures to follow her and offers a nice necklace.)

Scarlet: (speaks Mandarin) 哦! 这些很好,谢谢你,女士! 这不是我要找的,但你很善良。(Oh! These are nice, thank you, ma'am! It's not what I'm looking for, but it's very kind of you.)

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